Source code for xnmt.input_readers

from itertools import zip_longest
from functools import lru_cache
import ast
from typing import Any, Iterator, Optional, Sequence, Union
import numbers

import numpy as np

import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
  warnings.simplefilter("ignore", lineno=36)
  import h5py

from xnmt import logger

from xnmt import events, vocabs
from xnmt.graph import HyperEdge, HyperGraph
from xnmt.persistence import serializable_init, Serializable
from xnmt import sent
from xnmt import batchers, output

[docs]class InputReader(object): """ A base class to read in a file and turn it into an input """
[docs] def read_sents(self, filename: str, filter_ids: Sequence[numbers.Integral] = None) -> Iterator[sent.Sentence]: """ Read sentences and return an iterator. Args: filename: data file filter_ids: only read sentences with these ids (0-indexed) Returns: iterator over sentences from filename """ return self.iterate_filtered(filename, filter_ids)
[docs] def count_sents(self, filename: str) -> int: """ Count the number of sentences in a data file. Args: filename: data file Returns: number of sentences in the data file """ raise RuntimeError("Input readers must implement the count_sents function")
[docs] def needs_reload(self) -> bool: """ Overwrite this method if data needs to be reload for each epoch """ return False
[docs]class BaseTextReader(InputReader):
[docs] def read_sent(self, line: str, idx: numbers.Integral) -> sent.Sentence: """ Convert a raw text line into an input object. Args: line: a single input string idx: sentence number Returns: a SentenceInput object for the input sentence """ raise RuntimeError("Input readers must implement the read_sent function")
@lru_cache(maxsize=128) def count_sents(self, filename: str) -> numbers.Integral: newlines = 0 with open(filename, 'r+b') as f: for _ in f: newlines += 1 return newlines
[docs] def iterate_filtered(self, filename: str, filter_ids: Optional[Sequence[numbers.Integral]]=None) -> Iterator: """ Args: filename: data file (text file) filter_ids: Returns: iterator over lines as strings (useful for subclasses to implement read_sents) """ sent_count = 0 max_id = None if filter_ids is not None: max_id = max(filter_ids) filter_ids = set(filter_ids) with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: if filter_ids is None or sent_count in filter_ids: yield self.read_sent(line=line, idx=sent_count) sent_count += 1 if max_id is not None and sent_count > max_id: break
def convert_int(x: Any) -> numbers.Integral: try: return int(x) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Expecting integer tokens because no vocab was set. Got: '{x}'")
[docs]class PlainTextReader(BaseTextReader, Serializable): """ Handles the typical case of reading plain text files, with one sent per line. Args: vocab: Vocabulary to convert string tokens to integer ids. If not given, plain text will be assumed to contain space-separated integer ids. read_sent_len: if set, read the length of each sentence instead of the sentence itself. EOS is not counted. output_proc: output processors to revert the created sentences back to a readable string """ yaml_tag = '!PlainTextReader' @serializable_init def __init__(self, vocab: Optional[vocabs.Vocab] = None, read_sent_len: bool = False, output_proc: Sequence[output.OutputProcessor] = []) -> None: self.vocab = vocab self.read_sent_len = read_sent_len self.output_procs = output.OutputProcessor.get_output_processor(output_proc)
[docs] def read_sent(self, line: str, idx: numbers.Integral) -> sent.Sentence: if self.vocab: convert_fct = self.vocab.convert else: convert_fct = convert_int if self.read_sent_len: return sent.ScalarSentence(idx=idx, value=len(line.strip().split())) else: return sent.SimpleSentence(idx=idx, words=[convert_fct(word) for word in line.strip().split()] + [vocabs.Vocab.ES], vocab=self.vocab, output_procs=self.output_procs)
def vocab_size(self) -> numbers.Integral: return len(self.vocab)
[docs]class CompoundReader(InputReader, Serializable): """ A compound reader reads inputs using several input readers at the same time. The resulting inputs will be of type :class:`sent.CompoundSentence`, which holds the results from the different readers as a tuple. Inputs can be read from different locations (if input file name is a sequence of filenames) or all from the same location (if it is a string). The latter can be used to read the same inputs using several input different readers which might capture different aspects of the input data. Args: readers: list of input readers to use vocab: not used by this reader, but some parent components may require access to the vocab. """ yaml_tag = "!CompoundReader" @serializable_init def __init__(self, readers: Sequence[InputReader], vocab: Optional[vocabs.Vocab] = None) -> None: if len(readers) < 2: raise ValueError("need at least two readers") self.readers = readers if vocab: self.vocab = vocab
[docs] def read_sents(self, filename: Union[str,Sequence[str]], filter_ids: Sequence[numbers.Integral] = None) \ -> Iterator[sent.Sentence]: if isinstance(filename, str): filename = [filename] * len(self.readers) generators = [reader.read_sents(filename=cur_filename, filter_ids=filter_ids) for (reader, cur_filename) in zip(self.readers, filename)] while True: try: sub_sents = tuple([next(gen) for gen in generators]) yield sent.CompoundSentence(sents=sub_sents) except StopIteration: return
[docs] def count_sents(self, filename: str) -> int: return self.readers[0].count_sents(filename if isinstance(filename,str) else filename[0])
[docs] def needs_reload(self) -> bool: return any(reader.needs_reload() for reader in self.readers)
[docs]class SentencePieceTextReader(BaseTextReader, Serializable): """ Read in text and segment it with sentencepiece. Optionally perform sampling for subword regularization, only at training time. """ yaml_tag = '!SentencePieceTextReader' @events.register_xnmt_handler @serializable_init def __init__(self, model_file: str, sample_train: bool=False, l: numbers.Integral=-1, alpha: numbers.Real=0.1, vocab: Optional[vocabs.Vocab]=None, output_proc=[output.JoinPieceTextOutputProcessor]) -> None: """ Args: model_file: The sentence piece model file sample_train: On the training set, sample outputs l: The "l" parameter for subword regularization, how many sentences to sample alpha: The "alpha" parameter for subword regularization, how much to smooth the distribution vocab: The vocabulary output_proc: output processors to revert the created sentences back to a readable string """ import sentencepiece as spm self.subword_model = spm.SentencePieceProcessor() self.subword_model.Load(model_file) self.sample_train = sample_train self.l = l self.alpha = alpha self.vocab = vocab self.train = False self.output_procs = output.OutputProcessor.get_output_processor(output_proc) @events.handle_xnmt_event def on_set_train(self, val): self.train = val
[docs] def read_sent(self, line: str, idx: numbers.Integral) -> sent.SimpleSentence: if self.sample_train and self.train: words = self.subword_model.SampleEncodeAsPieces(line.strip(), self.l, self.alpha) else: words = self.subword_model.EncodeAsPieces(line.strip()) #words = [w.decode('utf-8') for w in words] return sent.SimpleSentence(idx=idx, words=[self.vocab.convert(word) for word in words] + [self.vocab.convert(vocabs.Vocab.ES_STR)], vocab=self.vocab, output_procs=self.output_procs)
def vocab_size(self) -> numbers.Integral: return len(self.vocab)
[docs]class RamlTextReader(BaseTextReader, Serializable): """ Handles the RAML sampling, can be used on the target side, or on both the source and target side. Randomly replaces words according to Hamming Distance. """ yaml_tag = '!RamlTextReader' @events.register_xnmt_handler @serializable_init def __init__(self, tau: Optional[float] = 1., vocab: Optional[vocabs.Vocab] = None, output_proc: Sequence[output.OutputProcessor]=[]) -> None: """ Args: tau: The temperature that controls peakiness of the sampling distribution vocab: The vocabulary """ self.tau = tau self.vocab = vocab self.output_procs = output.OutputProcessor.get_output_processor(output_proc) @events.handle_xnmt_event def on_set_train(self, val): self.train = val
[docs] def read_sent(self, line: str, idx: numbers.Integral) -> sent.SimpleSentence: words = line.strip().split() if not self.train: return sent.SimpleSentence(idx=idx, words=[self.vocab.convert(word) for word in words] + [vocabs.Vocab.ES], vocab=self.vocab, output_procs=self.output_procs) word_ids = np.array([self.vocab.convert(word) for word in words]) length = len(word_ids) logits = np.arange(length) * (-1) * self.tau logits = np.exp(logits - np.max(logits)) probs = logits / np.sum(logits) num_words = np.random.choice(length, p=probs) corrupt_pos = np.random.binomial(1, p=num_words/length, size=(length,)) num_words_to_sample = np.sum(corrupt_pos) sampled_words = np.random.choice(np.arange(2, len(self.vocab)), size=(num_words_to_sample,)) word_ids[np.where(corrupt_pos==1)[0].tolist()] = sampled_words return sent.SimpleSentence(idx=idx, words=word_ids.tolist() + [vocabs.Vocab.ES], vocab=self.vocab, output_procs=self.output_procs)
[docs] def needs_reload(self) -> bool: return True
[docs]class CharFromWordTextReader(PlainTextReader, Serializable): """ Read in word based corpus and turned that into SegmentedSentence. SegmentedSentece's words are characters, but it contains the information of the segmentation. x = SegmentedSentence("i code today") (TRUE) x.words == ["i", "c", "o", "d", "e", "t", "o", "d", "a", "y"] (TRUE) x.segment == [0, 4, 9] It means that the segmentation (end of words) happen in the 0th, 4th and 9th position of the char sequence. """ yaml_tag = "!CharFromWordTextReader" @serializable_init def __init__(self, vocab: vocabs.Vocab = None, read_sent_len: bool = False, output_proc: Sequence[output.OutputProcessor] = []) -> None: self.vocab = vocab self.read_sent_len = read_sent_len self.output_procs = output.OutputProcessor.get_output_processor(output_proc)
[docs] def read_sent(self, line: str, idx: numbers.Integral) -> sent.SegmentedSentence: chars = [] segs = [] offset = 0 for word in line.strip().split(): offset += len(word) segs.append(offset-1) chars.extend([c for c in word]) segs.append(len(chars)) chars.append(vocabs.Vocab.ES_STR) sent_input = sent.SegmentedSentence(segment=segs, words=[self.vocab.convert(c) for c in chars], idx=idx, vocab=self.vocab, output_procs=self.output_procs) return sent_input
[docs]class H5Reader(InputReader, Serializable): """ Handles the case where sents are sequences of continuous-space vectors. The input is a ".h5" file, which can be created for example using xnmt.preproc.MelFiltExtractor The data items are assumed to be labeled with integers 0, 1, .. (converted to strings). Each data item will be a 2D matrix representing a sequence of vectors. They can be in either order, depending on the value of the "transpose" variable: * sents[sent_id][feat_ind,timestep] if transpose=False * sents[sent_id][timestep,feat_ind] if transpose=True Args: transpose: whether inputs are transposed or not. feat_from: use feature dimensions in a range, starting at this index (inclusive) feat_to: use feature dimensions in a range, ending at this index (exclusive) feat_skip: stride over features timestep_skip: stride over timesteps timestep_truncate: cut off timesteps if sequence is longer than specified value """ yaml_tag = u"!H5Reader" @serializable_init def __init__(self, transpose: bool = False, feat_from: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, feat_to: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, feat_skip: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, timestep_skip: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, timestep_truncate: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None): self.transpose = transpose self.feat_from = feat_from self.feat_to = feat_to self.feat_skip = feat_skip self.timestep_skip = timestep_skip self.timestep_truncate = timestep_truncate
[docs] def read_sents(self, filename: str, filter_ids: Optional[Sequence[numbers.Integral]]=None) -> Iterator[sent.ArraySentence]: with h5py.File(filename, "r") as hf: h5_keys = sorted(hf.keys(), key=lambda x: int(x)) if filter_ids is not None: filter_ids = sorted(filter_ids) h5_keys = [h5_keys[i] for i in filter_ids] h5_keys.sort(key=lambda x: int(x)) for sent_no, key in enumerate(h5_keys): inp = hf[key][:] if self.transpose: inp = inp.transpose() sub_inp = inp[self.feat_from: self.feat_to: self.feat_skip, :self.timestep_truncate:self.timestep_skip] if sub_inp.size < inp.size: inp = np.empty_like(sub_inp) np.copyto(inp, sub_inp) else: inp = sub_inp if sent_no % 1000 == 999:"Read {sent_no+1} lines ({float(sent_no+1)/len(h5_keys)*100:.2f}%) of {filename} at {key}") yield sent.ArraySentence(idx=filter_ids[sent_no] if filter_ids else sent_no, nparr=inp)
[docs] def count_sents(self, filename: str) -> numbers.Integral: with h5py.File(filename, "r") as hf: l = len(hf.keys()) return l
[docs]class NpzReader(InputReader, Serializable): """ Handles the case where sents are sequences of continuous-space vectors. The input is a ".npz" file, which consists of multiply ".npy" files, each corresponding to a single sequence of continuous features. This can be created in two ways: * Use the builtin function numpy.savez_compressed() * Create a bunch of .npy files, and run "zip" on them to zip them into an archive. The file names should be named XXX_0, XXX_1, etc., where the final number after the underbar indicates the order of the sequence in the corpus. This is done automatically by numpy.savez_compressed(), in which case the names will be arr_0, arr_1, etc. Each numpy file will be a 2D matrix representing a sequence of vectors. They can be in either order, depending on the value of the "transpose" variable. * sents[sent_id][feat_ind,timestep] if transpose=False * sents[sent_id][timestep,feat_ind] if transpose=True Args: transpose: whether inputs are transposed or not. feat_from: use feature dimensions in a range, starting at this index (inclusive) feat_to: use feature dimensions in a range, ending at this index (exclusive) feat_skip: stride over features timestep_skip: stride over timesteps timestep_truncate: cut off timesteps if sequence is longer than specified value """ yaml_tag = u"!NpzReader" @serializable_init def __init__(self, transpose: bool = False, feat_from: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, feat_to: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, feat_skip: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, timestep_skip: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, timestep_truncate: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None): self.transpose = transpose self.feat_from = feat_from self.feat_to = feat_to self.feat_skip = feat_skip self.timestep_skip = timestep_skip self.timestep_truncate = timestep_truncate
[docs] def read_sents(self, filename: str, filter_ids: Optional[Sequence[numbers.Integral]] = None) -> None: npzFile = np.load(filename, mmap_mode=None if filter_ids is None else "r") npzKeys = sorted(npzFile.files, key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1])) if filter_ids is not None: filter_ids = sorted(filter_ids) npzKeys = [npzKeys[i] for i in filter_ids] npzKeys.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1])) for sent_no, key in enumerate(npzKeys): inp = npzFile[key] if self.transpose: inp = inp.transpose() sub_inp = inp[self.feat_from: self.feat_to: self.feat_skip, :self.timestep_truncate:self.timestep_skip] if sub_inp.size < inp.size: inp = np.empty_like(sub_inp) np.copyto(inp, sub_inp) else: inp = sub_inp if sent_no % 1000 == 999:"Read {sent_no+1} lines ({float(sent_no+1)/len(npzKeys)*100:.2f}%) of {filename} at {key}") yield sent.ArraySentence(idx=filter_ids[sent_no] if filter_ids else sent_no, nparr=inp) npzFile.close()
[docs] def count_sents(self, filename: str) -> numbers.Integral: npz_file = np.load(filename, mmap_mode="r") # for counting sentences, only read the index l = len(npz_file.files) npz_file.close() return l
[docs]class IDReader(BaseTextReader, Serializable): """ Handles the case where we need to read in a single ID (like retrieval problems). Files must be text files containing a single integer per line. """ yaml_tag = "!IDReader" @serializable_init def __init__(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def read_sent(self, line: str, idx: numbers.Integral) -> sent.ScalarSentence: return sent.ScalarSentence(idx=idx, value=int(line.strip()))
[docs] def read_sents(self, filename: str, filter_ids: Optional[Sequence[numbers.Integral]] = None) -> list: return [l for l in self.iterate_filtered(filename, filter_ids)]
[docs]class CoNLLToRNNGActionsReader(BaseTextReader, Serializable): """ Handles the reading of CoNLL File Format: ID FORM LEMMA POS FEAT HEAD DEPREL A single line represents a single edge of dependency parse tree. """ yaml_tag = "!CoNLLToRNNGActionsReader" @serializable_init def __init__(self, surface_vocab: vocabs.Vocab, nt_vocab:vocabs.Vocab): self.surface_vocab = surface_vocab self.nt_vocab = nt_vocab pass
[docs] def read_sents(self, filename: str, filter_ids: Sequence[numbers.Integral] = None): # Routine to add tree def emit_tree(idx, lines): nodes = {} edge_list = [] for node_id, form, lemma, pos, feat, head, deprel in lines: nodes[node_id] = sent.SyntaxTreeNode(node_id=node_id, value=form, head=pos) for node_id, form, lemma, pos, feat, head, deprel in lines: if head != 0 and deprel != "ROOT": edge_list.append(HyperEdge(head, [node_id], None, deprel)) return sent.RNNGSequenceSentence(idx, HyperGraph(edge_list, nodes), self.surface_vocab, self.nt_vocab, all_surfaces=True) idx = 0 lines = [] # Loop all lines in the file with open(filename) as fp: for line in fp: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: yield emit_tree(idx, lines) lines.clear() idx += 1 else: try: node_id, form, lemma, pos, feat, head, deprel = line.strip().split() lines.append((int(node_id), form, lemma, pos, feat, int(head), deprel)) except ValueError: logger.error("Bad line: %s", line) if len(lines) != 0: yield emit_tree(idx, lines)
[docs]class LatticeReader(BaseTextReader, Serializable): """ Reads lattices from a text file. The expected lattice file format is as follows: * 1 line per lattice * lines are serialized python lists / tuples * 2 lists per lattice:     - list of nodes, with every node a 4-tuple: (lexicon_entry, fwd_log_prob, marginal_log_prob, bwd_log_prob)     - list of arcs, each arc a tuple: (node_id_start, node_id_end)             - node_id references the nodes and is 0-indexed             - node_id_start < node_id_end * All paths must share a common start and end node, i.e. <s> and </s> need to be contained in the lattice A simple example lattice: [('<s>', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ('buenas', 0, 0.0, 0.0), ('tardes', 0, 0.0, 0.0), ('</s>', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)],[(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)] Args: vocab: Vocabulary to convert string tokens to integer ids. If not given, plain text will be assumed to contain space-separated integer ids. text_input: If ``True``, assume a standard text file as input and convert it to a flat lattice. flatten: If ``True``, convert to a flat lattice, with all probabilities set to 1. """ yaml_tag = '!LatticeReader' @serializable_init def __init__(self, vocab:vocabs.Vocab, text_input: bool = False, flatten = False): self.vocab = vocab self.text_input = text_input self.flatten = flatten
[docs] def read_sent(self, line, idx): edge_list = [] if self.text_input: # Node List nodes = [sent.LatticeNode(node_id=0, value=vocabs.Vocab.SS)] for i, word in enumerate(line.strip().split()): nodes.append(sent.LatticeNode(node_id=i+1, value=self.vocab.convert(word))) nodes.append(sent.LatticeNode(node_id=len(nodes), value=vocabs.Vocab.ES)) # Flat edge list for i in range(len(nodes)-1): edge_list.append(HyperEdge(i, [i+1])) else: node_list, arc_list = ast.literal_eval(line) nodes = [sent.LatticeNode(node_id=i, value=self.vocab.convert(item[0]), fwd_log_prob=item[1], marginal_log_prob=item[2], bwd_log_prob=item[3]) for i, item in enumerate(node_list)] if self.flatten: for i in range(len(nodes)-1): edge_list.append(HyperEdge(i, [i+1])) nodes[i].reset_prob() nodes[-1].reset_prob() else: for from_index, to_index in arc_list: edge_list.append(HyperEdge(from_index, [to_index])) assert nodes[0].value == self.vocab.SS and nodes[-1].value == self.vocab.ES # Construct graph graph = HyperGraph(edge_list, {node.node_id: node for node in nodes}) assert len(graph.roots()) == 1 # <SOS> assert len(graph.leaves()) == 1 # <EOS> # Construct LatticeSentence return sent.GraphSentence(idx=idx, graph=graph, vocab=self.vocab)
def vocab_size(self): return len(self.vocab)
###### A utility function to read a parallel corpus
[docs]def read_parallel_corpus(src_reader: InputReader, trg_reader: InputReader, src_file: str, trg_file: str, batcher: batchers.Batcher=None, sample_sents: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, max_num_sents: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, max_src_len: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, max_trg_len: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None) -> tuple: """ A utility function to read a parallel corpus. Args: src_reader: trg_reader: src_file: trg_file: batcher: sample_sents: if not None, denote the number of sents that should be randomly chosen from all available sents. max_num_sents: if not None, read only the first this many sents max_src_len: skip pair if src side is too long max_trg_len: skip pair if trg side is too long Returns: A tuple of (src_data, trg_data, src_batches, trg_batches) where ``*_batches = *_data`` if ``batcher=None`` """ src_data = [] trg_data = [] if sample_sents:"Starting to read {sample_sents} parallel sentences of {src_file} and {trg_file}") src_len = src_reader.count_sents(src_file) trg_len = trg_reader.count_sents(trg_file) if src_len != trg_len: raise RuntimeError(f"training src sentences don't match trg sentences: {src_len} != {trg_len}!") if max_num_sents and max_num_sents < src_len: src_len = trg_len = max_num_sents filter_ids = np.random.choice(src_len, sample_sents, replace=False) else:"Starting to read {src_file} and {trg_file}") filter_ids = None src_len, trg_len = 0, 0 src_train_iterator = src_reader.read_sents(src_file, filter_ids) trg_train_iterator = trg_reader.read_sents(trg_file, filter_ids) for src_sent, trg_sent in zip_longest(src_train_iterator, trg_train_iterator): if src_sent is None or trg_sent is None: raise RuntimeError(f"training src sentences don't match trg sentences: {src_len or src_reader.count_sents(src_file)} != {trg_len or trg_reader.count_sents(trg_file)}!") if max_num_sents and (max_num_sents <= len(src_data)): break src_len_ok = max_src_len is None or src_sent.sent_len() <= max_src_len trg_len_ok = max_trg_len is None or trg_sent.sent_len() <= max_trg_len if src_len_ok and trg_len_ok: src_data.append(src_sent) trg_data.append(trg_sent)"Done reading {src_file} and {trg_file}. Packing into batches.") # Pack batches if batcher is not None: src_batches, trg_batches = batcher.pack(src_data, trg_data) else: src_batches, trg_batches = src_data, trg_data"Done packing batches.") return src_data, trg_data, src_batches, trg_batches