Source code for xnmt.length_norm

import numbers
from typing import Sequence, Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

from xnmt.persistence import serializable_init, Serializable
from xnmt import search_strategies, sentence_stats, vocabs

[docs]class LengthNormalization(object): """ A template class to adjust scores for length normalization during search. """
[docs] def normalize_completed(self, completed_hyps: Sequence['search_strategies.BeamSearch.Hypothesis'], src_length: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[float]: """ Apply normalization step to completed hypotheses after search and return the normalized scores. Args: completed_hyps: list of completed Hypothesis objects, will be normalized in-place src_length: length of source sequence (None if not given) Returns: normalized scores """ raise NotImplementedError('normalize_completed must be implemented in LengthNormalization subclasses')
[docs] def normalize_partial_topk(self, score_so_far, score_to_add, new_len): """ Apply normalization step after expanding a partial hypothesis and selecting the top k scores. Args: score_so_far: log score of the partial hypothesis score_to_add: log score of the top-k item that is to be added new_len: new length of partial hypothesis with current word already appended Returns: new score after applying score_to_add to score_so_far """ return score_so_far + score_to_add # default behavior: add up the log probs
[docs]class NoNormalization(LengthNormalization, Serializable): """ Adding no form of length normalization. """ yaml_tag = '!NoNormalization'
[docs] def normalize_completed(self, completed_hyps: Sequence['search_strategies.BeamSearch.Hypothesis'], src_length: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[float]: return [hyp.score for hyp in completed_hyps]
[docs]class AdditiveNormalization(LengthNormalization, Serializable): """ Adding a fixed word penalty everytime the word is added. """ yaml_tag = '!AdditiveNormalization' @serializable_init def __init__(self, penalty: numbers.Real = -0.1, apply_during_search: bool = False): self.penalty = penalty self.apply_during_search = apply_during_search
[docs] def normalize_completed(self, completed_hyps: Sequence['search_strategies.BeamSearch.Hypothesis'], src_length: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[float]: if self.apply_during_search: return [hyp.score for hyp in completed_hyps] else: return [hyp.score + (len(hyp.id_list) * self.penalty) for hyp in completed_hyps]
[docs] def normalize_partial_topk(self, score_so_far, score_to_add, new_len): return score_so_far + score_to_add + (self.penalty if self.apply_during_search else 0.0)
[docs]class PolynomialNormalization(LengthNormalization, Serializable): """ Dividing by the length (raised to some power) """ yaml_tag = '!PolynomialNormalization' @serializable_init def __init__(self, m: numbers.Real = 1, apply_during_search: bool = False): self.m = m self.apply_during_search = apply_during_search self.pows = []
[docs] def normalize_completed(self, completed_hyps: Sequence['search_strategies.BeamSearch.Hypothesis'], src_length: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[float]: if self.apply_during_search: return [hyp.score for hyp in completed_hyps] else: return [(hyp.score / pow(len(hyp.output.word_ids), self.m)) for hyp in completed_hyps]
[docs] def normalize_partial_topk(self, score_so_far, score_to_add, new_len): if self.apply_during_search: self.update_pows(new_len) return (score_so_far * self.pows[new_len-1] + score_to_add) / self.pows[new_len] else: return score_so_far + score_to_add
def update_pows(self, new_len): if len(self.pows) < new_len+1: for i in range(len(self.pows), new_len+1): self.pows.append(pow(i, self.m))
[docs]class MultinomialNormalization(LengthNormalization, Serializable): """ The algorithm followed by: Tree-to-Sequence Attentional Neural Machine Translation """ yaml_tag = '!MultinomialNormalization' @serializable_init def __init__(self, sent_stats): self.stats = sent_stats def trg_length_prob(self, src_length, trg_length): v = len(self.stats.src_stat) if src_length in self.stats.src_stat: src_stat = self.stats.src_stat.get(src_length) return (src_stat.trg_len_distribution.get(trg_length, 0) + 1) / (src_stat.num_sents + v) return 1
[docs] def normalize_completed(self, completed_hyps: Sequence['search_strategies.BeamSearch.Hypothesis'], src_length: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[float]: """ Args: completed_hyps: src_length: length of the src sent """ assert (src_length is not None), "Length of Source Sentence is required" return [hyp.score + np.log(self.trg_length_prob(src_length, len(hyp.id_list))) for hyp in completed_hyps]
[docs]class GaussianNormalization(LengthNormalization, Serializable): """ The Gaussian regularization encourages the inference to select sents that have similar lengths as the sents in the training set. refer: """ yaml_tag = '!GaussianNormalization' @serializable_init def __init__(self, sent_stats: sentence_stats.SentenceStats) -> None: self.stats = sent_stats.trg_stat self.num_sent = sent_stats.num_pair self.fit_distribution() def fit_distribution(self): y = np.zeros(self.num_sent) curr_iter = 0 for key in self.stats: iter_end = self.stats[key].num_sents + curr_iter y[curr_iter:iter_end] = key curr_iter = iter_end mu, std = self.distr = norm(mu, std) def trg_length_prob(self, trg_length): return self.distr.pdf(trg_length)
[docs] def normalize_completed(self, completed_hyps: Sequence['search_strategies.BeamSearch.Hypothesis'], src_length: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[float]: return [hyp.score / self.trg_length_prob(len(hyp.id_list)) for hyp in completed_hyps]
[docs]class EosBooster(Serializable): """ Callable that applies boosting of end-of-sequence token, can be used with :class:`xnmt.search_strategy.BeamSearch`. Args: boost_val: value to add to the eos token's log probability. Positive values make sentences shorter, negative values make sentences longer. """ yaml_tag = "!EosBooster" @serializable_init def __init__(self, boost_val: numbers.Real): self.boost_val = boost_val def __call__(self, scores:np.ndarray) -> None: scores[vocabs.Vocab.ES] += self.boost_val