Source code for xnmt.preproc

import time
import sys
import os.path
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
import unicodedata
import re
import math
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
import numbers

import numpy as np
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
  warnings.simplefilter("ignore", lineno=36)
  import h5py
import yaml

from xnmt import logger
from xnmt.persistence import serializable_init, Serializable
import xnmt.thirdparty.speech_features as speech_features
import xnmt.utils as utils

class PreprocTask(object):
  def run_preproc_task(self, overwrite: bool = False) -> None:

[docs]class PreprocRunner(Serializable): """ Preprocess and filter the input files, and create the vocabulary. Args: tasks: A list of preprocessing steps, usually parametrized by in_files (the input files), out_files (the output files), and spec for that particular preprocessing type The types of arguments that preproc_spec expects: * Option("in_files", help_str="list of paths to the input files"), * Option("out_files", help_str="list of paths for the output files"), * Option("spec", help_str="The specifications describing which type of processing to use. For normalize and vocab, should consist of the 'lang' and 'spec', where 'lang' can either be 'all' to apply the same type of processing to all languages, or a zero-indexed integer indicating which language to process."), overwrite: Whether to overwrite files if they already exist. """ yaml_tag = "!PreprocRunner" @serializable_init def __init__(self, tasks: Optional[List[PreprocTask]] = None, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: if tasks is None: tasks = []"> Preprocessing") for task in tasks: # Sanity check if len(task.in_files) != len(task.out_files): raise RuntimeError("Length of in_files and out_files in preprocessor must be identical") task.run_preproc_task(overwrite = overwrite)
[docs]class PreprocExtract(PreprocTask, Serializable): yaml_tag = "!PreprocExtract" @serializable_init def __init__(self, in_files: Sequence[str], out_files: Sequence[str], specs: 'Extractor') -> None: self.in_files = in_files self.out_files = out_files self.specs = specs def run_preproc_task(self, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: extractor = self.specs for in_file, out_file in zip(self.in_files, self.out_files): if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(out_file): utils.make_parent_dir(out_file) extractor.extract_to(in_file, out_file)
[docs]class PreprocTokenize(PreprocTask, Serializable): yaml_tag = "!PreprocTokenize" @serializable_init def __init__(self, in_files: Sequence[str], out_files: Sequence[str], specs: Sequence['Tokenizer']) -> None: self.in_files = in_files self.out_files = out_files self.specs = specs def run_preproc_task(self, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: tokenizers = {my_opts["filenum"]: [tok for tok in my_opts["tokenizers"]] for my_opts in self.specs} for file_num, (in_file, out_file) in enumerate(zip(self.in_files, self.out_files)): if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(out_file): utils.make_parent_dir(out_file) my_tokenizers = tokenizers.get(file_num, tokenizers["all"]) with open(out_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as out_stream, \ open(in_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as in_stream: for tokenizer in my_tokenizers: in_stream = tokenizer.tokenize_stream(in_stream) for line in in_stream: out_stream.write(f"{line}\n")
[docs]class PreprocNormalize(PreprocTask, Serializable): yaml_tag = "!PreprocNormalize" @serializable_init def __init__(self, in_files: Sequence[str], out_files: Sequence[str], specs: Sequence['Normalizer']): self.in_files = in_files self.out_files = out_files self.specs = specs def run_preproc_task(self, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: normalizers = {my_opts["filenum"]: [norm for norm in my_opts["normalizers"]] for my_opts in self.specs} for i, (in_file, out_file) in enumerate(zip(self.in_files, self.out_files)): if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(out_file): utils.make_parent_dir(out_file) my_normalizers = normalizers.get(i, normalizers["all"]) with open(out_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as out_stream, \ open(in_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as in_stream: for line in in_stream: line = line.strip() for normalizer in my_normalizers: line = normalizer.normalize(line) out_stream.write(line + "\n")
[docs]class PreprocFilter(PreprocTask, Serializable): yaml_tag = "!PreprocFilter" @serializable_init def __init__(self, in_files: Sequence[str], out_files: Sequence[str], specs: Sequence['SentenceFilterer']): self.in_files = in_files self.out_files = out_files self.filters = specs def run_preproc_task(self, overwrite=False): # TODO: This will only work with plain-text sentences at the moment. It would be nice if it plays well with the readers # in out_streams = [open(x, 'w', encoding='utf-8') if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(x) else None for x in self.out_files] if any(x is not None for x in out_streams): in_streams = [open(x, 'r', encoding='utf-8') for x in self.in_files] for in_lines in zip(*in_streams): in_lists = [line.strip().split() for line in in_lines] if all([my_filter.keep(in_lists) for my_filter in self.filters]): for in_line, out_stream in zip(in_lines, out_streams): out_stream.write(in_line) for x in in_streams: x.close() for x in out_streams: if x is not None: x.close()
[docs]class PreprocVocab(PreprocTask, Serializable): yaml_tag = "!PreprocVocab" @serializable_init def __init__(self, in_files: Sequence[str], out_files: Sequence[str], specs: Sequence[dict]) -> None: self.in_files = in_files self.out_files = out_files self.specs = specs# TODO: should use YAML style object passing here def run_preproc_task(self, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: filters = {my_opts["filenum"]: [norm for norm in my_opts["filters"]] for my_opts in self.specs} for i, (in_file, out_file) in enumerate(zip(self.in_files, self.out_files)): if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(out_file): utils.make_parent_dir(out_file) with open(out_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as out_stream, \ open(in_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as in_stream: vocab = {} for line in in_stream: for word in line.strip().split(): vocab[word] = vocab.get(word, 0) + 1 for my_filter in filters.get(i, filters["all"]): vocab = my_filter.filter(vocab) for word in vocab.keys(): out_stream.write((word + u"\n"))
##### Preprocessors
[docs]class Normalizer(object): """A type of normalization to perform to a file. It is initialized first, then expanded."""
[docs] def normalize(self, sent: str) -> str: """Takes a plain text string and converts it into another plain text string after preprocessing.""" raise RuntimeError("Subclasses of Normalizer must implement the normalize() function")
[docs]class NormalizerLower(Normalizer, Serializable): """Lowercase the text.""" yaml_tag = "!NormalizerLower"
[docs] def normalize(self, sent: str) -> str: return sent.lower()
[docs]class NormalizerRemovePunct(Normalizer, Serializable): """Remove punctuation from the text. Args: remove_inside_word: If ``False``, only remove punctuation appearing adjacent to white space. allowed_chars: Specify punctuation that is allowed and should not be removed. """ yaml_tag = "!NormalizerRemovePunct" @serializable_init def __init__(self, remove_inside_word: bool = False, allowed_chars: str = "") -> None: self.remove_inside_word = remove_inside_word self.exclude = set(chr(i) for i in range(sys.maxunicode) if unicodedata.category(chr(i)).startswith('P') and chr(i) not in set(allowed_chars))
[docs] def normalize(self, sent: str) -> str: if self.remove_inside_word: ret = ''.join(ch for ch in sent if ch not in self.exclude) else: words = [] for w in sent.split(): words.append(w.strip(''.join(ch for ch in self.exclude))) ret = " ".join(words) return " ".join(ret.split())
###### Tokenizers
[docs]class Tokenizer(Normalizer): """ Pass the text through an internal or external tokenizer. TODO: only StreamTokenizers are supported by the preproc runner right now. """ def tokenize(self, sent: str) -> str: raise RuntimeError("Subclasses of Tokenizer must implement tokenize() or tokenize_stream()")
[docs] def tokenize_stream(self, stream): """ Tokenize a file-like text stream. Args: stream: A file-like stream of untokenized text Returns: A file-like stream of tokenized text """ logger.debug("****** calling tokenize_stream {}".format(self.__class__)) for line in stream: yield self.tokenize(line.strip())
[docs]class BPETokenizer(Tokenizer, Serializable): """ Class for byte-pair encoding tokenizer. TODO: Unimplemented """ yaml_tag = '!BPETokenizer' @serializable_init def __init__(self, vocab_size, train_files): """Determine the BPE based on the vocab size and corpora""" raise NotImplementedError("BPETokenizer is not implemented")
[docs] def tokenize(self, sent): """Tokenizes a single sentence according to the determined BPE.""" raise NotImplementedError("BPETokenizer is not implemented")
[docs]class CharacterTokenizer(Tokenizer, Serializable): """ Tokenize into characters, with __ indicating blank spaces """ yaml_tag = '!CharacterTokenizer' @serializable_init def __init__(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def tokenize(self, sent: str) -> str: """Tokenizes a single sentence into characters.""" return ' '.join([('__' if x == ' ' else x) for x in sent])
[docs]class UnicodeTokenizer(Tokenizer, Serializable): """ Tokenizer that inserts whitespace between words and punctuation. This tokenizer is language-agnostic and (optionally) reversible, and is based on unicode character categories. See appendix of Args: use_merge_symbol: whether to prepend a merge-symbol so that the tokenization becomes reversible merge_symbol: the merge symbol to use reverse: whether to reverse tokenization (assumes use_merge_symbol=True was used in forward direction) """ yaml_tag = '!UnicodeTokenizer' @serializable_init def __init__(self, use_merge_symbol: bool = True, merge_symbol: str = '↹', reverse: bool = False) -> None: self.merge_symbol = merge_symbol if use_merge_symbol else '' self.reverse = reverse
[docs] def tokenize(self, sent: str) -> str: """Tokenizes a single sentence. Args: sent: input sentence Returns: output sentence """ str_list = [] if not self.reverse: for i in range(len(sent)): c = sent[i] c_p = sent[i - 1] if i > 0 else c c_n = sent[i + 1] if i < len(sent) - 1 else c if not UnicodeTokenizer._is_weird(c): str_list.append(c) else: if not c_p.isspace(): str_list.append(' ' + self.merge_symbol) str_list.append(c) if not c_n.isspace() and not UnicodeTokenizer._is_weird(c_n): str_list.append(self.merge_symbol + ' ') else: # self.reverse==True i = 0 while i < len(sent): c = sent[i] c_n = sent[i + 1] if i < len(sent) - 1 else c c_nn = sent[i + 2] if i < len(sent) - 2 else c if c + c_n == ' ' + self.merge_symbol and UnicodeTokenizer._is_weird(c_nn): i += 2 elif UnicodeTokenizer._is_weird(c) and c_n + c_nn == self.merge_symbol + ' ': str_list.append(c) i += 3 else: str_list.append(c) i += 1 return ''.join(str_list)
@staticmethod def _is_weird(c): return not (unicodedata.category(c)[0] in 'LMN' or c.isspace())
[docs]class ExternalTokenizer(Tokenizer, Serializable): """ Class for arbitrary external tokenizer that accepts untokenized text to stdin and emits tokenized tezt to stdout, with passable parameters. It is assumed that in general, external tokenizers will be more efficient when run once per file, so are run as such (instead of one-execution-per-line.) Args: path tokenizer_args arg_separator """ yaml_tag = '!ExternalTokenizer' @serializable_init def __init__(self, path: str, tokenizer_args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, arg_separator: str = ' ') -> None: """Initialize the wrapper around the external tokenizer. """ if tokenizer_args is None: tokenizer_args = {} tokenizer_options = [] if arg_separator != ' ': tokenizer_options = [option + arg_separator + str(tokenizer_args[option]) for option in tokenizer_args] else: for option in tokenizer_args: tokenizer_options.extend([option, str(tokenizer_args[option])]) self.tokenizer_command = [path] + tokenizer_options print(self.tokenizer_command)
[docs] def tokenize(self, sent: str) -> str: """ Pass the sentence through the external tokenizer. Args: sent: An untokenized sentence Return: A tokenized sentence """ encode_proc = subprocess.Popen(self.tokenizer_command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE , stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if isinstance(sent, str): sent = sent.encode('utf-8') stdout, stderr = encode_proc.communicate(sent) if isinstance(stdout, bytes): stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8') if stderr: if isinstance(stderr, bytes): stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8') sys.stderr.write(stderr + '\n') return stdout
[docs]class SentencepieceTokenizer(Tokenizer, Serializable): """ Sentencepiece tokenizer The options supported by the SentencepieceTokenizer are almost exactly those presented in the Sentencepiece `readme <>`_, namely: Args: train_files vocab_size: fixes the vocabulary size overwrite model_prefix: The trained bpe model will be saved under ``{model_prefix}.model``/``.vocab`` output_format model_type: Either ``unigram`` (default), ``bpe``, ``char`` or ``word``. Please refer to the sentencepiece documentation for more details hard_vocab_limit: setting this to ``False`` will make the vocab size a soft limit. Useful for small datasets. This is ``True`` by default. encode_extra_options: decode_extra_options: """ yaml_tag = '!SentencepieceTokenizer' @serializable_init def __init__(self, train_files: Sequence[str], vocab_size: numbers.Integral, overwrite: bool = False, model_prefix: str = 'sentpiece', output_format: str = 'piece', model_type: str = 'bpe', hard_vocab_limit: bool = True, encode_extra_options: Optional[str] = None, decode_extra_options: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ This will initialize and train the sentencepiece tokenizer. If overwrite is set to False, learned model will not be overwritten, even if parameters are changed. "File" output for Sentencepiece written to StringIO temporarily before being written to disk. """ self.model_prefix = model_prefix self.output_format = output_format self.input_format = output_format self.overwrite = overwrite self.encode_extra_options = ['--extra_options='+encode_extra_options] if encode_extra_options else [] self.decode_extra_options = ['--extra_options='+decode_extra_options] if decode_extra_options else [] utils.make_parent_dir(model_prefix) self.sentpiece_train_args = ['--input=' + ','.join(train_files), '--model_prefix=' + str(model_prefix), '--vocab_size=' + str(vocab_size), '--hard_vocab_limit=' + str(hard_vocab_limit).lower(), '--model_type=' + str(model_type) ] self.sentpiece_processor = None def init_sentencepiece(self) -> None: import sentencepiece as spm if ((not os.path.exists(self.model_prefix + '.model')) or (not os.path.exists(self.model_prefix + '.vocab')) or self.overwrite): # This calls sentencepiece. It's pretty verbose spm.SentencePieceTrainer.Train(' '.join(self.sentpiece_train_args)) self.sentpiece_processor = spm.SentencePieceProcessor() self.sentpiece_processor.Load('%s.model' % self.model_prefix) self.sentpiece_encode = self.sentpiece_processor.EncodeAsPieces if self.output_format == 'piece' else self.sentpiece_processor.EncodeAsIds
[docs] def tokenize(self, sent: str) -> str: """Tokenizes a single sentence into pieces.""" if self.sentpiece_processor is None: self.init_sentencepiece() return ' '.join(self.sentpiece_encode(sent))
##### Sentence filterers
[docs]class SentenceFilterer(object): """Filters sentences that don't match a criterion.""" def __init__(self, spec: dict) -> None: """Initialize the filterer from a specification.""" pass
[docs] def keep(self, sents: list) -> bool: """Takes a list of inputs/outputs for a single sentence and decides whether to keep them. In general, these inputs/outpus should already be segmented into words, so len() will return the number of words, not the number of characters. Args: sents: A list of parallel sentences. Returns: True if they should be used or False if they should be filtered. """ raise RuntimeError("Subclasses of SentenceFilterer must implement the keep() function")
[docs]class SentenceFiltererMatchingRegex(SentenceFilterer): """Filters sentences via regular expressions. A sentence must match the expression to be kept. """ def __init__(self, regex_src: Optional[str], regex_trg: Optional[str], regex_all: Optional[Sequence[str]]) -> None: """Specifies the regular expressions to filter the sentences that we'll be getting. Args: regex_src: regular expression for source language (language index 0) regex_trg: regular expression for target language (language index 1) regex_all: list of regular expressions for all languages in order """ self.regex = {} if regex_src: self.regex[0] = regex_src if regex_trg: self.regex[1] = regex_trg if regex_all: for i, v in enumerate(regex_all): self.regex[i] = v
[docs] def keep(self, sents: list) -> bool: """ Keep only sentences that match the regex. """ for i, sent in enumerate(sents): if type(sent) == list: sent = " ".join(sent) if self.regex.get(i) is not None: if[i], sent) is None: return False return True
[docs]class SentenceFiltererLength(SentenceFilterer, Serializable): """Filters sentences by length""" yaml_tag = "!SentenceFiltererLength" @serializable_init def __init__(self, min_src: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, max_src: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, min_trg: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, max_trg: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, min_all: Union[None, numbers.Integral, Sequence[Optional[numbers.Integral]]] = None, max_all: Union[None, numbers.Integral, Sequence[Optional[numbers.Integral]]] = None) -> None: """Specifies the length limitations on the sentences that we'll be getting. Args: min_src: min length of src side max_src: max length of src side min_trg: min length of trg side max_trg: max length of trg side min_all: min length; can be a single integer for all languages, or a list with individual values per language max_all: max length; can be a single integer for all languages, or a list with individual values per language """ self.each_min = {} self.each_max = {} self.overall_min = min_all if isinstance(min_all, numbers.Integral) else -1 self.overall_max = max_all if isinstance(max_all, numbers.Integral) else -1 if min_src is not None: self.each_min[0] = min_src if max_src is not None: self.each_max[0] = max_src if min_trg is not None: self.each_min[1] = min_trg if max_trg is not None: self.each_max[1] = max_trg if isinstance(min_all, list): for i, v in enumerate(min_all): self.each_min[i] = v if isinstance(max_all, list): for i, v in enumerate(max_all): self.each_max[i] = v
[docs] def keep(self, sents: list) -> bool: """Filter sentences by length.""" for i, sent in enumerate(sents): if type(sent) == str: raise RuntimeError("length-based sentence filterer does not support `str` input at the moment") my_max = self.each_max.get(i, self.overall_max) my_min = self.each_min.get(i, self.overall_min) if len(sent) < my_min or (my_max != -1 and len(sent) > my_max): return False return True
##### Vocab filterers
[docs]class VocabFilterer(object): """Filters vocabulary by some criterion""" def __init__(self, spec: dict) -> None: """Initialize the filterer from a specification.""" pass
[docs] def filter(self, vocab: Dict[str,numbers.Integral]) -> Dict[str,numbers.Integral]: """Filter a vocabulary. Args: vocab: A dictionary of vocabulary words with their frequecies. Returns: A new dictionary with frequencies containing only the words to leave in the vocabulary. """ raise RuntimeError("Subclasses of VocabFilterer must implement the filter() function")
[docs]class VocabFiltererFreq(VocabFilterer, Serializable): """Filter the vocabulary, removing words below a particular minimum frequency""" yaml_tag = "!VocabFiltererFreq" @serializable_init def __init__(self, min_freq: numbers.Integral) -> None: """Specification contains a single value min_freq""" self.min_freq = min_freq
[docs] def filter(self, vocab): return {k: v for k, v in vocab.items() if v >= self.min_freq}
[docs]class VocabFiltererRank(VocabFilterer, Serializable): """Filter the vocabulary, removing words above a particular frequency rank""" yaml_tag = "!VocabFiltererRank" @serializable_init def __init__(self, max_rank: numbers.Integral) -> None: """Specification contains a single value max_rank""" self.max_rank = max_rank
[docs] def filter(self, vocab): if len(vocab) <= self.max_rank: return vocab return {k: v for k, v in sorted(vocab.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1])[:self.max_rank]}
##### Preprocessors
[docs]class Extractor(object): """A type of extraction task to perform.""" def extract_to(self, in_file: str, out_file: str) -> None: raise RuntimeError("Subclasses of Extractor must implement the extract_to() function")
[docs]class MelFiltExtractor(Extractor, Serializable): yaml_tag = "!MelFiltExtractor" @serializable_init def __init__(self, nfilt: numbers.Integral = 40, delta: bool = False): = delta self.nfilt = nfilt
[docs] def extract_to(self, in_file: str, out_file: str) -> None: """ Args: in_file: yaml file that contains a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains: - wav (str): path to wav file - offset (float): start time stamp (optional) - duration (float): stop time stamp (optional) - speaker: speaker id for normalization (optional; if not given, the filename is used as speaker id) out_file: a filename ending in ".h5" """ import librosa if not out_file.endswith(".h5"): raise ValueError(f"out_file must end in '.h5', was '{out_file}'") start_time = time.time() with open(in_file) as in_stream, \ h5py.File(out_file, "w") as hf: db = yaml.load(in_stream) db_by_speaker = defaultdict(list) for db_index, db_item in enumerate(db): speaker_id = db_item.get("speaker", db_item["wav"].split("/")[-1]) db_item["index"] = db_index db_by_speaker[speaker_id].append(db_item) for speaker_id in db_by_speaker.keys(): data = [] for db_item in db_by_speaker[speaker_id]: y, sr = librosa.load(db_item["wav"], sr=16000, offset=db_item.get("offset", 0.0), duration=db_item.get("duration", None)) if len(y)==0: raise ValueError(f"encountered an empty or out of bounds segment: {db_item}") logmel = speech_features.logfbank(y, samplerate=sr, nfilt=self.nfilt) if delta = speech_features.calculate_delta(logmel) features = np.concatenate([logmel, delta], axis=1) else: features = logmel data.append(features) mean, std = speech_features.get_mean_std(np.concatenate(data)) for features, db_item in zip(data, db_by_speaker[speaker_id]): features = speech_features.normalize(features, mean, std) hf.create_dataset(str(db_item["index"]), data=features) logger.debug(f"feature extraction took {time.time()-start_time:.3f} seconds")
[docs]class LatticeFromPlfExtractor(Extractor, Serializable): """ Creates node-labeled lattices that can be read by the ``LatticeInputReader``. The input to this extractor is a list of edge-labeled lattices in PLF format. The PLF format is described here: It is used, among others, in the Fisher/Callhome Spanish-to-English Speech Translation Corpus (Post et al, 2013). """ yaml_tag = "!LatticeFromPlfExtractor" def extract_to(self, in_file: str, out_file: str): output_file = open(out_file, "w") counter, num_node_sum1, num_edge_sum1, num_node_sum2, num_edge_sum2 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 with open(in_file) as f: for line in f: graph = LatticeFromPlfExtractor._Lattice() graph.read_plf_line(line) graph.insert_initial_node() graph.insert_final_node() graph.forward() graph2 = LatticeFromPlfExtractor._Lattice.convert_to_node_labeled_lattice(graph) if len(graph2.nodes) == 1: graph2.insert_initial_node() serial = graph2.serialize_to_string() output_file.write(serial + "\n") counter += 1 num_node_sum1 += len(graph.nodes) num_node_sum2 += len(graph2.nodes) num_edge_sum1 += len(graph.edges) num_edge_sum2 += len(graph2.edges) if counter % 1000 == 0:"finished {counter} lattices.") output_file.close()"avg # nodes, # edges for edge-labeled lattices: {float(num_node_sum1) / counter}, {float(num_edge_sum1) / counter}")"avg # nodes, # edges for node-labeled lattices: {float(num_node_sum2) / counter}, {float(num_edge_sum2) / counter}") class _Lattice(object): def __init__(self, nodes=None, edges=None): self.nodes = nodes self.edges = edges def serialize_to_string(self): node_ids = {} for n in self.nodes: node_ids[n] = len(node_ids) node_lst = [n.label for n in self.nodes] node_str = "[" + ", ".join(["(" + ", ".join( [("'" + str(labelItem) + "'" if type(labelItem) == str else str(labelItem)) for labelItem in node]) + ")" for node in node_lst]) + "]" numbered_edges = [] for fromNode, toNode, _ in self.edges: from_id = node_ids[fromNode] to_id = node_ids[toNode] numbered_edges.append((from_id, to_id)) edge_str = str(numbered_edges) return node_str + "," + edge_str def insert_initial_node(self): initial_node = LatticeFromPlfExtractor._LatticeLabel(label=("<s>", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) if len(self.nodes) > 0: self.edges.insert(0, (initial_node, self.nodes[0], LatticeFromPlfExtractor._LatticeLabel(("<s>", 0.0)))) self.nodes.insert(0, initial_node) def insert_final_node(self): final_node = LatticeFromPlfExtractor._LatticeLabel(label=("final-node", 0.0)) self.edges.append((self.nodes[-1], final_node, LatticeFromPlfExtractor._LatticeLabel(("</s>", 0.0)))) self.nodes.append(final_node) @staticmethod def convert_to_node_labeled_lattice(edge_labeled_lattice): word_nodes = [] word_node_edges = [] for edge in edge_labeled_lattice.edges: _, _, edge_label = edge new_word_node = edge_label word_nodes.append(new_word_node) for edge1 in edge_labeled_lattice.edges: _, edge1_to, edge1_label = edge1 for edge2 in edge_labeled_lattice.edges: edge2_from, _, edge2_label = edge2 if edge1_to == edge2_from: word_node_edges.append((edge1_label, edge2_label, LatticeFromPlfExtractor._LatticeLabel())) return LatticeFromPlfExtractor._Lattice(nodes=word_nodes, edges=word_node_edges) def forward(self): """ Use the forward algorithm to add marginal link probs and backward-normalized lattice weights to the graph """ self.nodes[0].marginal_log_prob = 0.0 for edge in self.edges: from_node, to_node, edge_label = edge prev_sum = 0.0 # incomplete P(toNode) if not hasattr(to_node, 'marginal_log_prob'): to_node.marginal_log_prob = 0.0 else: prev_sum = math.exp(to_node.marginal_log_prob) fwd_weight = math.exp(edge_label.label[1]) # lattice weight normalized across outgoing edges marginal_link_prob = math.exp(from_node.marginal_log_prob) * fwd_weight # P(fromNode, toNode) to_node.marginal_log_prob = math.log(prev_sum + marginal_link_prob) # (partially) completed P(toNode) to_node.label = (to_node.marginal_log_prob,) edge_label.label = tuple(list(edge_label.label) + [min(0.0, math.log(marginal_link_prob))]) for node in self.nodes: incoming_edges = [edge for edge in self.edges if edge[1] == node] incoming_sum = sum([math.exp(edge[0].marginal_log_prob) for edge in incoming_edges]) for edge in incoming_edges: from_node, to_node, edge_label = edge bwd_weight_log = min(0.0, edge[0].marginal_log_prob - math.log(incoming_sum)) edge_label.label = tuple(list(edge_label.label) + [bwd_weight_log]) def read_plf_line(self, line): parenth_depth = 0 plf_nodes = [] plf_edges = [] for token in re.split("([()])", line): if len(token.strip()) > 0 and token.strip() != ",": if token == "(": parenth_depth += 1 if parenth_depth == 2: new_node = LatticeFromPlfExtractor._LatticeLabel(label=None) plf_nodes.append(new_node) elif token == ")": parenth_depth -= 1 if parenth_depth == 0: new_node = LatticeFromPlfExtractor._LatticeLabel(label=None) plf_nodes.append(new_node) break # end of the lattice elif token[0] == "'": word, score, distance = [eval(tt) for tt in token.split(",")] cur_node_id = len(plf_nodes) - 1 edge_from = cur_node_id edge_to = cur_node_id + distance edge_label = LatticeFromPlfExtractor._LatticeLabel(label=(word, score)) plf_edges.append((edge_from, edge_to, edge_label)) resolved_edges = [] for edge in plf_edges: edge_from, edge_to, edge_label = edge resolved_edges.append((plf_nodes[edge_from], plf_nodes[edge_to], edge_label)) self.nodes = plf_nodes self.edges = resolved_edges class _LatticeLabel(object): def __init__(self, label=None): self.label = label def __repr__(self): return str(self.label)