Source code for xnmt.reports

Reports gather inputs, outputs, and intermediate computations in a nicely formatted way for convenient manual inspection.

To support reporting, the models providing the data to be reported must subclass ``Reportable`` and call
``self.report_sent_info(d)`` with key/value pairs containing the data to be reported at the appropriate times.
If this causes a computational overhead, the boolean ``compute_report`` field should queried and extra computations
skipped if this field is ``False``.

Next, a ``Reporter`` needs to be specified that supports reports based on the previously created key/value pairs.
Reporters are passed to inference classes, so it's possible e.g. to report only at the final test decoding, or specify
a special reporting inference object that only looks at a handful of sentences, etc.

Note that currently reporting is only supported at test-time, not at training time.

import os
import math
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union
from collections import defaultdict
import numbers

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

import matplotlib
import numpy as np

from xnmt import plotting
from xnmt import sent, utils
from import handle_xnmt_event, register_xnmt_handler
from xnmt.persistence import Serializable, serializable_init
from xnmt.settings import settings
from xnmt.thirdparty.charcut import charcut

[docs]class ReportInfo(object): """ Info to pass to reporter Args: sent_info: list of dicts, one dict per sentence glob_info: a global dict applicable to each sentence """ def __init__(self, sent_info: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]] = [], glob_info: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> None: self.sent_info = sent_info self.glob_info = glob_info
[docs]class Reportable(object): """ Base class for classes that contribute information to a report. Making an arbitrary class reportable requires to do the following: - specify ``Reportable`` as base class - call this super class's ``__init__()``, or do ``@register_xnmt_handler`` manually - pass either global info or per-sentence info or both: - call ``self.report_sent_info(d)`` for each sentence, where d is a dictionary containing info to pass on to the reporter - call ``self.report_corpus_info(d)`` once, where d is a dictionary containing info to pass on to the reporter """ @register_xnmt_handler def __init__(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def report_sent_info(self, sent_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Add key/value pairs belonging to the current sentence for reporting. This should be called consistently for every sentence and in order. Args: sent_info: A dictionary of key/value pairs. The keys must match (be a subset of) the arguments in the reporter's ``create_sent_report()`` method, and the values must be of the corresponding types. """ if not hasattr(self, "_sent_info_list"): self._sent_info_list = [] self._sent_info_list.append(sent_info)
[docs] def report_corpus_info(self, glob_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Add key/value pairs for reporting that are relevant to all reported sentences. Args: glob_info: A dictionary of key/value pairs. The keys must match (be a subset of) the arguments in the reporter's ``create_sent_report()`` method, and the values must be of the corresponding types. """ if not hasattr(self, "_glob_info_list"): self._glob_info_list = {} self._glob_info_list.update(glob_info)
@handle_xnmt_event def on_get_report_input(self, context: ReportInfo) -> ReportInfo: if hasattr(self, "_glob_info_list"): context.glob_info.update(self._glob_info_list) if not hasattr(self, "_sent_info_list"): return context if len(context.sent_info)>0: assert len(context.sent_info) == len(self._sent_info_list), \ "{} != {}".format(len(context.sent_info), len(self._sent_info_list)) else: context.sent_info = [] for _ in range(len(self._sent_info_list)): context.sent_info.append({}) for context_i, sent_i in zip(context.sent_info, self._sent_info_list): context_i.update(sent_i) self._sent_info_list.clear() return context @handle_xnmt_event def on_set_reporting(self, is_reporting: bool) -> None: self._sent_info_list = [] self._is_reporting = is_reporting def is_reporting(self): return self._is_reporting if hasattr(self, "_is_reporting") else False
[docs]class Reporter(object): """ A base class for a reporter that collects reportable information, formats it and writes it to disk. """
[docs] def create_sent_report(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Create the report. The reporter should specify the arguments it needs explicitly, and should specify ``kwargs`` in addition to handle extra (unused) arguments without crashing. Args: **kwargs: additional arguments """ raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclasses")
def conclude_report(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclasses")
[docs]class ReferenceDiffReporter(Reporter, Serializable): """ Reporter that uses the CharCut tool for nicely displayed difference highlighting between outputs and references. The stand-alone tool can be found at Args: match_size: min match size in characters (set < 3 e.g. for Japanese or Chinese) alt_norm: alternative normalization scheme: use only the candidate's length for normalization report_path: Path of directory to write HTML files to """ yaml_tag = "!ReferenceDiffReporter" @serializable_init @register_xnmt_handler def __init__(self, match_size: numbers.Integral = 3, alt_norm: bool = False, report_path: str = settings.DEFAULT_REPORT_PATH) -> None: self.match_size = match_size self.alt_norm = alt_norm self.report_path = report_path self.hyp_sents, self.ref_sents, self.src_sents = [], [], []
[docs] def create_sent_report(self, src: sent.Sentence, output: sent.ReadableSentence, ref_file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Create report. Args: src: source-side input output: generated output ref_file: path to reference file **kwargs: arguments to be ignored """ reference = utils.cached_file_lines(ref_file)[output.idx] trg_str = output.sent_str() if isinstance(src, sent.ReadableSentence): src_str = src.sent_str() self.src_sents.append(src_str) self.hyp_sents.append(trg_str) self.ref_sents.append(reference)
def conclude_report(self) -> None: if self.hyp_sents: html_filename = os.path.join(self.report_path, "charcut.html") utils.make_parent_dir(html_filename) args = utils.ArgClass(html_output_file=html_filename, match_size=self.match_size, alt_norm=self.alt_norm) aligned_segs = charcut.load_input_segs(cand_segs=self.hyp_sents, ref_segs=self.ref_sents, src_segs=self.src_sents) charcut.run_on(aligned_segs, args) self.hyp_sents, self.ref_sents, self.src_sents = [], [], []
[docs]class CompareMtReporter(Reporter, Serializable): """ Reporter that uses the script to analyze and compare MT results. The stand-alone tool can be found at Args: out2_file: A path to another system output. Add only if you want to compare outputs from two systems. train_file: A link to the training corpus target file train_counts: A link to the training word frequency counts as a tab-separated "word\\tfreq" file alpha: A smoothing coefficient to control how much the model focuses on low- and high-frequency events. 1.0 should be fine most of the time. ngram: Maximum length of n-grams. sent_size: How many sentences to print. ngram_size: How many n-grams to print. report_path: Path of directory to write report files to """ yaml_tag = "!CompareMtReporter" @serializable_init @register_xnmt_handler def __init__(self, out2_file: Optional[str] = None, train_file: Optional[str] = None, train_counts: Optional[str] = None, alpha: numbers.Real = 1.0, ngram: numbers.Integral = 4, ngram_size: numbers.Integral = 50, sent_size: numbers.Integral = 10, report_path: str = settings.DEFAULT_REPORT_PATH) -> None: self.out2_file = out2_file self.train_file = train_file self.train_counts = train_counts self.alpha = alpha self.ngram = ngram self.ngram_size = ngram_size self.sent_size = sent_size self.report_path = report_path self.hyp_sents, self.ref_sents = [], []
[docs] def create_sent_report(self, output: sent.ReadableSentence, ref_file: str, **kwargs) -> None: """ Create report. Args: output: generated output ref_file: path to reference file **kwargs: arguments to be ignored """ reference = utils.cached_file_lines(ref_file)[output.idx] trg_str = output.sent_str() self.hyp_sents.append(trg_str) self.ref_sents.append(reference)
def conclude_report(self) -> None: if self.hyp_sents: ref_filename = os.path.join(self.report_path, "tmp", "compare-mt.ref") out_filename = os.path.join(self.report_path, "tmp", "compare-mt.out") utils.make_parent_dir(out_filename) with open(ref_filename, "w") as fout: for l in self.ref_sents: fout.write(f"{l.strip()}\n") with open(out_filename, "w") as fout: for l in self.hyp_sents: fout.write(f"{l.strip()}\n") import xnmt.thirdparty.comparemt.compare_mt as compare_mt args = utils.ArgClass(ref_file = ref_filename, out_file = out_filename, out2_file = self.out2_file, train_file = self.train_file, train_counts = self.train_counts, alpha = self.alpha, ngram = self.ngram, ngram_size = self.ngram_size, sent_size = self.sent_size) out_lines = compare_mt.main(args) report_filename = os.path.join(self.report_path, "compare-mt.txt") utils.make_parent_dir(report_filename) with open(report_filename, "w") as fout: for l in out_lines: fout.write(f"{l}\n") self.hyp_sents, self.ref_sents, self.src_sents = [], [], []
[docs]class HtmlReporter(Reporter): """ A base class for reporters that produce HTML outputs that takes care of some common functionality. Args: report_name: prefix for report files report_path: Path of directory to write HTML and image files to """ def __init__(self, report_name: str, report_path: str = settings.DEFAULT_REPORT_PATH) -> None: self.report_name = report_name self.report_path = report_path self.html_contents = ["<html><meta charset='UTF-8' /><head><title>Translation Report</title></head><body>"] self.html_contents.append(""" <style> body {font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 11pt;} table, td, th {border-spacing: 0;} th {padding: 10px;} td {padding: 5px;} th {border-top: solid black 2px; font-weight: normal;} .tophead {border-bottom: solid black 1px;} .src {font-style: oblique;} .trg {font-family: Consolas, monospace;} .del {font-weight: bold; color: #f00000;} .ins {font-weight: bold; color: #0040ff;} .shift {font-weight: bold;} .match {} .mainrow {border-top: solid black 1px; padding: 1em;} .midrow {border-bottom: dotted gray 1px;} .seghead {color: gray; text-align: right;} .score {font-family: Consolas, monospace; text-align: right; font-size: large;} .detail {font-size: xx-small; color: gray;} </style> <script> function enter(cls) { var elts = document.getElementsByClassName(cls); for (var i=0; i<elts.length; i++) elts[i].style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; } function leave(cls) { var elts = document.getElementsByClassName(cls); for (var i=0; i<elts.length; i++) elts[i].style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; } </script> """) def add_sent_heading(self, idx: numbers.Integral) -> None: self.html_contents.append(f"<h1>Translation Report for Sentence {idx}</h1>") self.html_contents.append("<table>") def finish_sent(self) -> None: self.html_contents.append("</table>") def finish_html_doc(self) -> None: self.html_contents.append("</body></html>") def write_html(self) -> None: html_str = "\n".join(self.html_contents) soup = bs(html_str, "lxml") pretty_html = soup.prettify() html_file_name = os.path.join(self.report_path, f"{self.report_name}.html") utils.make_parent_dir(html_file_name) with open(html_file_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(pretty_html) def add_fields_if_set(self, fields: dict) -> None: html_ret = "" for key, val in fields.items(): if val: html_ret += f"<tr><td class='seghead'>{key}:</td><td>{val}</td></tr>" if html_ret: self.html_contents.append(html_ret) def add_charcut_diff(self, trg_str: str, reference: str, match_size: numbers.Integral=3, alt_norm: bool = False, mt_label: str = "MT:", ref_label: str = "Ref:") -> None: aligned_segs = charcut.load_input_segs(cand_segs=[trg_str], ref_segs=[reference]) styled_ops = [charcut.compare_segments(cand, ref, match_size) for seg_id, _, _, cand, ref in aligned_segs] seg_scores = list(charcut.score_all(aligned_segs, styled_ops, alt_norm)) # doc_cost = sum(cost for cost, _ in seg_scores) # doc_div = sum(div for _, div in seg_scores) self.html_contents.append(charcut.segs2html(aligned_segs[0], styled_ops[0], seg_scores[0], mt_label=mt_label, ref_label=ref_label, use_id_col=False))
[docs]class AttentionReporter(HtmlReporter, Serializable): """ Reporter that writes attention matrices to HTML. Args: max_num_sents: create attention report for only the first n sentences report_name: prefix for output files report_path: Path of directory to write HTML and image files to """ yaml_tag = "!AttentionReporter" @register_xnmt_handler @serializable_init def __init__(self, max_num_sents: Optional[numbers.Integral] = 100, report_name: str = "attention", report_path: str = settings.DEFAULT_REPORT_PATH) -> None: super().__init__(report_name=report_name, report_path=report_path) self.max_num_sents = max_num_sents self.cur_sent_no = 0
[docs] def create_sent_report(self, src: sent.Sentence, output: sent.ReadableSentence, attentions: np.ndarray, ref_file: Optional[str], **kwargs) -> None: """ Create report. Args: src: source-side input output: generated output attentions: attention matrices ref_file: path to reference file **kwargs: arguments to be ignored """ self.cur_sent_no += 1 if self.max_num_sents and self.cur_sent_no > self.max_num_sents: return reference = utils.cached_file_lines(ref_file)[output.idx] idx = src.idx self.add_sent_heading(idx) src_tokens = src.str_tokens() if isinstance(src, sent.ReadableSentence) else [] trg_tokens = output.str_tokens() src_str = src.sent_str() if isinstance(src, sent.ReadableSentence) else "" trg_str = output.sent_str() self.add_charcut_diff(trg_str, reference) self.add_fields_if_set({"Src" : src_str}) self.add_atts(attentions, src.get_array() if isinstance(src, sent.ArraySentence) else src_tokens, trg_tokens, idx) self.finish_sent()
def conclude_report(self) -> None: self.finish_html_doc() self.write_html() self.cur_sent_no = 0
[docs] def add_atts(self, attentions: np.ndarray, src_tokens: Union[Sequence[str], np.ndarray], trg_tokens: Sequence[str], idx: numbers.Integral, desc: str = "Attentions") -> None: """ Add attention matrix to HTML code. Args: attentions: numpy array of dimensions (src_len x trg_len) src_tokens: list of strings (case of src text) or numpy array of dims (nfeat x speech_len) (case of src speech) trg_tokens: list of string tokens idx: sentence no desc: readable description """ src_is_speech = isinstance(src_tokens, np.ndarray) size_x = math.log(len(trg_tokens)+2) * 3 if src_is_speech: size_y = math.log(src_tokens.shape[1]+2) else: size_y = math.log(len(src_tokens)+2) * 3 attention_file = f"{self.report_path}/img/attention.{utils.valid_filename(desc).lower()}.{idx}.png" html_att = f'<tr><td class="seghead">{desc}:</td><td></td></tr>' \ f'<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><img src="img/{os.path.basename(attention_file)}" alt="attention matrix" /></td></tr>' plotting.plot_attention(src_words=src_tokens, trg_words=trg_tokens, attention_matrix=attentions, file_name=attention_file, size_x=size_x, size_y=size_y) self.html_contents.append(html_att)
[docs]class SegmentationReporter(Reporter, Serializable): """ A reporter to be used with the segmenting encoder. Args: report_path: Path of directory to write text files to """ yaml_tag = "!SegmentationReporter" @serializable_init @register_xnmt_handler def __init__(self, report_path: str = settings.DEFAULT_REPORT_PATH) -> None: self.report_path = report_path self.report_fp = None
[docs] def create_sent_report(self, segment_actions, src: sent.Sentence, **kwargs): if self.report_fp is None: utils.make_parent_dir(self.report_path) self.report_fp = open(self.report_path, "w") actions = segment_actions[0] src = src.str_tokens() words = [] start = 0 for end in actions: if start < end+1: words.append("".join(map(str, src[start:end+1]))) start = end+1 print(" ".join(words), file=self.report_fp)
def conclude_report(self): if hasattr(self, "report_fp") and self.report_fp: self.report_fp.close() self.report_fp = None
[docs]class OOVStatisticsReporter(Reporter, Serializable): """ A reporter that prints OOV statistics: recovered OOVs, fantasized new words, etc. Some models such as character- or subword-based models can produce words that are not in the training. This is desirable when we produce a correct word that would have been an OOV with a word-based model but undesirable when we produce something that's not a correct word. The reporter prints some statistics that help analyze the OOV behavior of the model. Args: train_trg_file: path to word-tokenized training target file report_path: Path of directory to write text files to """ yaml_tag = "!OOVStatisticsReporter" @serializable_init @register_xnmt_handler def __init__(self, train_trg_file: str, report_path: str = settings.DEFAULT_REPORT_PATH) -> None: self.report_path = report_path self.report_fp = None self.train_trg_file = train_trg_file self.out_sents, self.ref_lines = [], []
[docs] def create_sent_report(self, output: sent.ReadableSentence, ref_file: str, **kwargs) -> None: self.output_vocab = output.vocab reference = utils.cached_file_lines(ref_file)[output.idx] self.ref_lines.append(reference) self.out_sents.append(output)
def conclude_report(self) -> None: train_words = set() with open(self.train_trg_file) as f_train: for line in f_train: for word in line.strip().split(): train_words.add(word) ref_words = set() ref_words_oov = defaultdict(int) ref_words_total = 0 ref_oovs_unmatched = defaultdict(int) for ref_line, trg_sent in zip(self.ref_lines, self.out_sents): for word in ref_line.strip().split(): ref_words.add(word) ref_words_total += 1 if word not in train_words: ref_words_oov[word] += 1 if word not in trg_sent.sent_str().split(): ref_oovs_unmatched[word] += 1 if ref_words_total == 0: raise ValueError("Found empty reference") hyp_words = set() hyp_words_oov = defaultdict(int) hyp_words_total = 0 hyp_oovs_matched = defaultdict(int) hyp_oovs_unmatched = defaultdict(int) for trg_sent, ref_line in zip(self.out_sents, self.ref_lines): for word in trg_sent.sent_str().split(): hyp_words.add(word) hyp_words_total += 1 if word not in train_words: hyp_words_oov[word] += 1 ref_line_words = ref_line.strip().split() if word in ref_line_words: hyp_oovs_matched[word] += 1 else: hyp_oovs_unmatched[word] += 1 if hyp_words_total == 0: raise ValueError("Found empty hypothesis") sorted_hyp_oovs_matched = sorted(hyp_oovs_matched.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sorted_hyp_oovs_unmatched = sorted(hyp_oovs_unmatched.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sorted_ref_oovs_unmatched = sorted(ref_oovs_unmatched.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) num_oovs_ref = sum(ref_words_oov.values()) num_oovs_hyp = sum(hyp_words_oov.values()) num_oovs_hyp_matched = sum(hyp_oovs_matched.values()) hyp_oov_prec = f"{num_oovs_hyp_matched/num_oovs_hyp*100:.2f}%" if num_oovs_hyp>0 else "n/a" hyp_oov_rec = f"{num_oovs_hyp_matched/num_oovs_ref*100:.2f}%" if num_oovs_ref>0 else "n/a" with open(os.path.join(self.report_path, "oov-statistics.txt"), "w") as fout: fout.write(f"OOV Statistics Report\n---------------------\n") fout.write(f"Size of subword vocab: {len(self.output_vocab)}\n") fout.write(f"Word types in training corpus: {len(train_words)}\n") fout.write(f"Word types in test reference: {len(ref_words)}\n") fout.write(f"Word types in test hypothesis: {len(hyp_words)}\n") fout.write(f"OOV words in test reference: {num_oovs_ref} ({num_oovs_ref/ref_words_total*100:.2f}%)\n") fout.write(f"OOV words in test hypothesis: {num_oovs_hyp} ({num_oovs_hyp/hyp_words_total*100:.2f}%)\n") fout.write(f"Hypothesis OOVs precision (sentence-match): {hyp_oov_prec}\n") fout.write(f"Hypothesis OOVs recall (sentence-match): {hyp_oov_rec}\n") fout.write(f"\n\nListing:\n") fout.write(f"OOVs recovered: \n") fout.write("\n".join([f"{item[0]} ({item[1]})" for item in sorted_hyp_oovs_matched])) fout.write(f"\n\nOOVs not recovered: \n") fout.write("\n".join([f"{item[0]} ({item[1]})" for item in sorted_ref_oovs_unmatched])) fout.write(f"\n\nfantasized words: \n") fout.write("\n".join([f"{item[0]} ({item[1]})" for item in sorted_hyp_oovs_unmatched]))