Source code for xnmt.search_strategies

from collections import namedtuple
import math
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Sequence
import numbers

import dynet as dy
import numpy as np

from xnmt import batchers, logger
from xnmt.modelparts import decoders
from xnmt.length_norm import NoNormalization, LengthNormalization
from xnmt.persistence import Serializable, serializable_init, bare
from xnmt.vocabs import Vocab

SearchOutput = namedtuple('SearchOutput', ['word_ids', 'attentions', 'score', 'state', 'mask'])
Output of the search
words_ids: list of generated word ids
attentions: list of corresponding attention vector of word_ids
score: a single value of log(p(E|F))
logsoftmaxes: a corresponding softmax vector of the score. score = logsoftmax[word_id]
state: a NON-BACKPROPAGATEABLE state that is used to produce the logsoftmax layer
       state is usually used to generate 'baseline' in reinforce loss
masks: whether the particular word id should be ignored or not (1 for not, 0 for yes)

[docs]class SearchStrategy(object): """ A template class to generate translation from the output probability model. (Non-batched operation) """
[docs] def generate_output(self, translator: 'xnmt.models.translators.AutoRegressiveTranslator', initial_state: decoders.AutoRegressiveDecoderState, src_length: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None) -> List[SearchOutput]: """ Args: translator: a translator initial_state: initial decoder state src_length: length of src sequence, required for some types of length normalization Returns: List of (word_ids, attentions, score, logsoftmaxes) """ raise NotImplementedError('generate_output must be implemented in SearchStrategy subclasses')
[docs]class GreedySearch(Serializable, SearchStrategy): """ Performs greedy search (aka beam search with beam size 1) Args: max_len: maximum number of tokens to generate. """ yaml_tag = '!GreedySearch' @serializable_init def __init__(self, max_len: numbers.Integral = 100) -> None: self.max_len = max_len
[docs] def generate_output(self, translator: 'xnmt.models.translators.AutoRegressiveTranslator', initial_state: decoders.AutoRegressiveDecoderState, src_length: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None) -> List[SearchOutput]: # Output variables score = [] word_ids = [] attentions = [] states = [] masks = [] # Search Variables done = None current_state = initial_state for length in range(self.max_len): prev_word = word_ids[length-1] if length > 0 else None current_output = translator.add_input(prev_word, current_state) word_id, word_score = translator.best_k(current_output.state, 1, normalize_scores=True) word_id = word_id[0] word_score = word_score[0] current_state = current_output.state if len(word_id.shape) == 0: word_id = np.array([word_id]) word_score = np.array([word_score]) if done is not None: word_id = [word_id[i] if not done[i] else Vocab.ES for i in range(len(done))] mask = [1 if not done[i] else 0 for i in range(len(done))] word_score = [s * m for (s, m) in zip(word_score, mask)] masks.append(mask) # Packing outputs score.append(word_score) word_ids.append(word_id) attentions.append(current_output.attention) states.append(current_state) # Check if we are done. done = [x == Vocab.ES for x in word_id] if all(done): break masks.insert(0, [1 for _ in range(len(done))]) words = np.stack(word_ids, axis=1) score = np.sum(score, axis=0) return [SearchOutput(words, attentions, score, states, masks)]
[docs]class BeamSearch(Serializable, SearchStrategy): """ Performs beam search. Args: beam_size: number of beams max_len: maximum number of tokens to generate. len_norm: type of length normalization to apply one_best: Whether to output the best hyp only or all completed hyps. scores_proc: apply an optional operation on all scores prior to choosing the top k. E.g. use with :class:`xnmt.length_normalization.EosBooster`. """ yaml_tag = '!BeamSearch' Hypothesis = namedtuple('Hypothesis', ['score', 'output', 'parent', 'word']) @serializable_init def __init__(self, beam_size: numbers.Integral = 1, max_len: numbers.Integral = 100, len_norm: LengthNormalization = bare(NoNormalization), one_best: bool = True, scores_proc: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], None]] = None) -> None: self.beam_size = beam_size self.max_len = max_len self.len_norm = len_norm self.one_best = one_best self.scores_proc = scores_proc
[docs] def generate_output(self, translator: 'xnmt.models.translators.AutoRegressiveTranslator', initial_state: decoders.AutoRegressiveDecoderState, src_length: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None) -> List[SearchOutput]: active_hyp = [self.Hypothesis(0, None, None, None)] completed_hyp = [] for length in range(self.max_len): if len(completed_hyp) >= self.beam_size: break # Expand hyp new_set = [] for hyp in active_hyp: if length > 0: prev_word = hyp.word prev_state = hyp.output.state else: prev_word = None prev_state = initial_state # We have a complete hyp ending with </s> if prev_word == Vocab.ES: completed_hyp.append(hyp) continue # Find the k best words at the next time step current_output = translator.add_input(prev_word, prev_state) top_words, top_scores = translator.best_k(current_output.state, self.beam_size, normalize_scores=True) # Queue next states for cur_word, score in zip(top_words, top_scores): assert len(score.shape) == 0 new_score = self.len_norm.normalize_partial_topk(hyp.score, score, length + 1) new_set.append(self.Hypothesis(new_score, current_output, hyp, cur_word)) # Next top hypothesis active_hyp = sorted(new_set, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)[:self.beam_size] # There is no hyp that reached </s> if len(completed_hyp) == 0: completed_hyp = active_hyp # Length Normalization normalized_scores = self.len_norm.normalize_completed(completed_hyp, src_length) hyp_and_score = sorted(list(zip(completed_hyp, normalized_scores)), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Take only the one best, if that's what was desired if self.one_best: hyp_and_score = [hyp_and_score[0]] # Backtracing + Packing outputs results = [] for end_hyp, score in hyp_and_score: word_ids = [] attentions = [] states = [] current = end_hyp while current.parent is not None: word_ids.append(current.word) attentions.append(current.output.attention) states.append(current.output.state) current = current.parent results.append(SearchOutput([list(reversed(word_ids))], [list(reversed(attentions))], [score], list(reversed(states)), [1 for _ in word_ids])) return results
[docs]class SamplingSearch(Serializable, SearchStrategy): """ Performs search based on the softmax probability distribution. Similar to greedy searchol Args: max_len: sample_size: """ yaml_tag = '!SamplingSearch' @serializable_init def __init__(self, max_len: numbers.Integral = 100, sample_size: numbers.Integral = 5) -> None: self.max_len = max_len self.sample_size = sample_size
[docs] def generate_output(self, translator: 'xnmt.models.translators.AutoRegressiveTranslator', initial_state: decoders.AutoRegressiveDecoderState, src_length: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None) -> List[SearchOutput]: outputs = [] for k in range(self.sample_size): outputs.append(self.sample_one(translator, initial_state)) return outputs
# Words ids, attentions, score, logsoftmax, state def sample_one(self, translator: 'xnmt.models.translators.AutoRegressiveTranslator', initial_state: decoders.AutoRegressiveDecoderState) -> SearchOutput: # Search variables current_words = None current_state = initial_state done = None # Outputs scores = [] samples = [] states = [] attentions = [] masks = [] # Sample to the max length for length in range(self.max_len): current_output = translator.add_input(current_words, current_state) word_id, word_score = translator.sample(current_output.state, 1)[0] word_score = word_score.npvalue() assert word_score.shape == (1,) word_score = word_score[0] if len(word_id.shape) == 0: word_id = np.array([word_id]) word_score = np.array([word_score]) if done is not None: word_id = [word_id[i] if not done[i] else Vocab.ES for i in range(len(done))] # masking for logsoftmax mask = [1 if not done[i] else 0 for i in range(len(done))] word_score = [s * m for (s, m) in zip(word_score, mask)] masks.append(mask) # Appending output scores.append(word_score) samples.append(word_id) states.append(current_output.state) attentions.append(current_output.attention) # Next time step current_words = word_id current_state = current_output.state # Check done done = [x == Vocab.ES for x in word_id] # Check if we are done. if all(done): break # Packing output scores = [np.sum(scores)] masks.insert(0, [1 for _ in range(len(done))]) samples = np.stack(samples, axis=1) return SearchOutput(samples, attentions, scores, states, masks)
class MctsNode(object): def __init__(self, parent: Optional['MctsNode'], prior_dist: np.ndarray, word: Optional[numbers.Integral], attention: Optional[List[np.ndarray]], translator: 'xnmt.models.translators.AutoRegressiveTranslator', dec_state: decoders.AutoRegressiveDecoderState) -> None: self.parent = parent self.prior_dist = prior_dist # log of softmax self.word = word self.attention = attention self.translator = translator self.dec_state = dec_state self.tries = 0 self.avg_value = 0.0 self.children = {} # If the child is unvisited, set its avg_value to # parent value - reduction where reduction = c * sqrt(sum of scores of all visited children) # where c is 0.25 in leela self.reduction = 0.0 def choose_child(self) -> numbers.Integral: return max(range(len(self.prior_dist)), key=lambda move: self.compute_priority(move)) def compute_priority(self, move: numbers.Integral) -> numbers.Real: if move not in self.children: child_val = self.prior_dist[move] + self.avg_value - self.reduction child_tries = 0 else: child_val = self.prior_dist[move] + self.children[move].avg_value child_tries = self.children[move].tries K = 5.0 exp_term = math.sqrt(1.0 * self.tries + 1.0) / (child_tries + 1) # TODO: This exp could be done before the prior is passed into the MctsNode # so it's done as a big batch exp_term *= K * math.exp(self.prior_dist[move]) total_value = child_val + exp_term return total_value def expand(self) -> 'MctsNode': if self.word == Vocab.ES: return self move = self.choose_child() if move in self.children: return self.children[move].expand() else: output = self.translator.add_input(move, self.dec_state) prior_dist = self.translator.calc_log_probs(output.state).npvalue() attention = output.attention path = [] node = self while node is not None: path.append(node.word) node = node.parent path = ' '.join(str(word) for word in reversed(path)) print('Creating new node:', path, '+', move) new_node = MctsNode(self, prior_dist, move, attention, self.translator, output.state) self.children[move] = new_node return new_node def rollout(self, sample_func, max_len): prefix = [] scores = [] prev_word = None dec_state = self.dec_state if self.word == Vocab.ES: return prefix, scores while True: output = self.translator.add_input(prev_word, dec_state) logsoftmax = self.translator.calc_log_probs(output.state).npvalue() attention = output.attention best_id = sample_func(logsoftmax) print("Rolling out node with word=", best_id, 'score=', logsoftmax[best_id]) prefix.append(best_id) scores.append(logsoftmax[best_id]) if best_id == Vocab.ES or len(prefix) >= max_len: break prev_word = best_id dec_state = output.state return prefix, scores def backup(self, result): print('Backing up', result) self.avg_value = self.avg_value * (self.tries / (self.tries + 1)) + result / (self.tries + 1) self.tries += 1 if self.parent is not None: my_prob = self.parent.prior_dist[self.word] self.parent.backup(result + my_prob) def collect(self, words, attentions): if self.word is not None: words.append(self.word) attentions.append(self.attention) if len(self.children) > 0: best_child = max(self.children.itervalues(), key=lambda child: child.visits) best_child.collect(words, attentions) def random_choice(logsoftmax: np.ndarray) -> numbers.Integral: #logsoftmax *= 100 probs = np.exp(logsoftmax) probs /= sum(probs) choices = np.random.choice(len(probs), 1, p=probs) return choices[0] def greedy_choice(logsoftmax: np.ndarray) -> numbers.Integral: return np.argmax(logsoftmax)
[docs]class MctsSearch(Serializable, SearchStrategy): """ Performs search with Monte Carlo Tree Search """ yaml_tag = '!MctsSearch' @serializable_init def __init__(self, visits: numbers.Integral = 200, max_len: numbers. Integral = 100) -> None: self.max_len = max_len self.visits = visits
[docs] def generate_output(self, translator: 'xnmt.models.translators.AutoRegressiveTranslator', dec_state: decoders.AutoRegressiveDecoderState, src_length: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None) -> List[SearchOutput]: orig_dec_state = dec_state output = translator.add_input(None, dec_state) dec_state = output.state assert dec_state == orig_dec_state logsoftmax = self.translator.calc_log_probs(dec_state).npvalue() root_node = MctsNode(None, logsoftmax, None, None, translator, dec_state) for i in range(self.visits): terminal = root_node.expand() words, scores = terminal.rollout(random_choice, self.max_len) terminal.backup(sum(scores)) print() print('Final stats:') for word in root_node.children: print (word, root_node.compute_priority(word), root_node.prior_dist[word] + root_node.children[word].avg_value, root_node.children[word].tries) print() scores = [] logsoftmaxes = [] word_ids = [] attentions = [] states = [] masks = [] node = root_node while True: if len(node.children) == 0: break best_word = max(node.children, key=lambda word: node.children[word].tries) score = node.prior_dist[best_word] attention = node.children[best_word].attention scores.append(score) logsoftmaxes.append(node.prior_dist) word_ids.append(best_word) attentions.append(attention) states.append(node.dec_state) masks.append(1) node = node.children[best_word] word_ids = np.expand_dims(word_ids, axis=0) return [SearchOutput(word_ids, attentions, scores, logsoftmaxes, states, masks)]