Source code for xnmt.settings

Global settings that control the overall behavior of XNMT.

Currently, settings control the following:

* ``OVERWRITE_LOG``: whether logs should be overwritten (not overwriting helps when copy-pasting config files and forgetting to change the output location)
* ``IMMEDIATE_COMPUTE``: whether to execute DyNet in eager mode
* ``CHECK_VALIDITY``: configure xnmt and DyNet to perform checks of validity
* ``RESOURCE_WARNINGS``: whether to show resource warnings
* ``LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE``: verbosity of console output (``DEBUG`` | ``INFO`` | ``WARNING`` | ``ERROR`` | ``CRITICAL``)
* ``LOG_LEVEL_FILE``: verbosity of file output (``DEBUG`` | ``INFO`` | ``WARNING`` | ``ERROR`` | ``CRITICAL``)
* ``DEFAULT_MOD_PATH``: default location to write models to
* ``DEFAULT_LOG_PATH``: default location to write out logs

There are several predefined configurations (``Standard``, ``Debug``, ``Unittest``), with ``Standard`` being used by
default. Settings are specified from the command line using ``--settings={standard|debug|unittest}`` and should not be
changed during execution.

It is possible to control individual settings by setting an environment variable of the same name, e.g. like this:
``OVERWRITE_LOG=1 python -m xnmt.xnmt_run_experiments my_config.yaml``

To specify a custom configuration, subclass ``settings.Standard`` accordinly and add an alias to ``settings._aliases``.

import sys
import os

[docs]class Standard(object): """ Standard configuration, used by default. """ OVERWRITE_LOG = False IMMEDIATE_COMPUTE = False CHECK_VALIDITY = False RESOURCE_WARNINGS = False PRINT_CG_ON_ERROR = False LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE = "INFO" LOG_LEVEL_FILE = "DEBUG" DEFAULT_MOD_PATH = "{EXP_DIR}/models/{EXP}.mod" DEFAULT_LOG_PATH = "{EXP_DIR}/logs/{EXP}.log" DEFAULT_REPORT_PATH = "{EXP_DIR}/reports/{EXP}"
[docs]class Debug(Standard): """ Adds checks and verbosity to help debugging code or configuration files. """ OVERWRITE_LOG = True IMMEDIATE_COMPUTE = True CHECK_VALIDITY = True RESOURCE_WARNINGS = True PRINT_CG_ON_ERROR = True LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE = "DEBUG" LOG_LEVEL_FILE = "DEBUG"
[docs]class Unittest(Standard): """ More checks and less verbosity, activated automatically when running the unit tests from the "test" package. """ OVERWRITE_LOG = True RESOURCE_WARNINGS = True LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE = "WARNING" DEFAULT_MOD_PATH = "test/tmp/{EXP}.mod" DEFAULT_LOG_PATH = "test/tmp/{EXP}.log" DEFAULT_REPORT_PATH = "test/tmp/{EXP}.report"
class SettingsAccessor(object): def __getattr__(self, item): if _active is None: _resolve_active_settings() return getattr(_active, item) settings = SettingsAccessor() def _resolve_active_settings() -> None: # use command line argument, if not given use environment var, if not given us 'standard' # overwrite with environment variables if present. global _active settings_alias = "standard" settings_alias = os.environ.get("XNMT_SETTINGS", default=settings_alias) for arg in sys.argv: if arg.startswith("--settings"): settings_alias = arg.split("=")[1] _active = _aliases[settings_alias] for key, val in os.environ.items(): if hasattr(_active, key): setattr(_active, key, val) _active = None _aliases = { "settings.standard" : Standard, "standard": Standard, "settings.debug" : Debug, "debug": Debug, "settings.unittest" : Unittest, "unittest": Unittest, }