Source code for xnmt.train.tasks

from subprocess import Popen
from asteval import Interpreter
import random
from typing import Iterator, Optional, Sequence, Union
import numbers

import numpy as np

from xnmt import batchers, event_trigger, input_readers, logger, losses, loss_trackers, loss_calculators, \
from xnmt.models import base as model_base
from xnmt.eval import tasks as eval_tasks
from xnmt.persistence import serializable_init, Serializable, bare

[docs]class TrainingTask(object): """ Base class for a training task. Training tasks can perform training steps and keep track of the training state, but may not implement the actual training loop. Args: model: The model to train """ def __init__(self, model: 'model_base.TrainableModel') -> None: self.model = model
[docs] def should_stop_training(self): """ Returns: True iff training is finished, i.e. training_step(...) should not be called again """ raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclasses")
[docs] def training_step(self, **kwargs) -> 'losses.FactoredLossExpr': """ Perform forward pass for the next training step and handle training logic (switching epoch, reshuffling, ..) Args: **kwargs: depends on subclass implementations Returns: Loss """ raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclasses")
[docs] def next_minibatch(self) -> Iterator: """ Infinitely loop over training minibatches. Returns: Generator yielding (src_batch,trg_batch) tuples """
def checkpoint_needed(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclasses")
[docs] def checkpoint(self, control_learning_schedule: bool = False) -> bool: """ Perform a dev checkpoint. Args: control_learning_schedule: If ``False``, only evaluate dev data. If ``True``, also perform model saving, LR decay etc. if needed. Returns: ``True`` iff the model needs saving """ raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclasses")
[docs] def cur_num_minibatches(self) -> int: """ Current number of minibatches (may change between epochs, e.g. for randomizing batchers or if reload_command is given) """ raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclasses")
[docs] def cur_num_sentences(self) -> int: """ Current number of parallel sentences (may change between epochs, e.g. if reload_command is given) """ raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclasses")
[docs]class SimpleTrainingTask(TrainingTask, Serializable): """ Args: model: a trainable supervised model src_file: The file for the source data. trg_file: The file for the target data. dev_every: dev checkpoints every n sentences (0 for only after epoch) batcher: Type of batcher loss_calculator: run_for_epochs: number of epochs (None for unlimited epochs) lr_decay: decay learning rate by multiplying by this factor lr_decay_times: Early stopping after decaying learning rate a certain number of times patience: apply LR decay after dev scores haven't improved over this many checkpoints initial_patience: if given, allows adjusting patience for the first LR decay dev_tasks: A list of tasks to run on the development set dev_combinator: A formula to combine together development scores into a single score to choose whether to perform learning rate decay, etc. e.g. 'x[0]-x[1]' would say that the first dev task score minus the second dev task score is our measure of how good we're doing. If not specified, only the score from the first dev task will be used. restart_trainer: Restart trainer (useful for Adam) and revert weights to best dev checkpoint when applying LR decay ( reload_command: Command to change the input data after each epoch. --epoch EPOCH_NUM will be appended to the command. To just reload the data after each epoch set the command to 'true'. sample_train_sents: If given, load a random subset of training sentences before each epoch. Useful when training data does not fit in memory. max_num_train_sents: Train only on the first n sentences max_src_len: Discard training sentences with source-side longer than this max_trg_len: Discard training sentences with target-side longer than this name: will be prepended to log outputs if given """ yaml_tag = '!SimpleTrainingTask' @serializable_init def __init__(self, model: 'model_base.ConditionedModel', src_file: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, trg_file: str = None, dev_every: numbers.Integral = 0, batcher: batchers.Batcher = bare(batchers.SrcBatcher, batch_size=32), loss_calculator: loss_calculators.LossCalculator = bare(loss_calculators.MLELoss), run_for_epochs: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, lr_decay: numbers.Real = 1.0, lr_decay_times: numbers.Integral = 3, patience: numbers.Integral = 1, initial_patience: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, dev_tasks: Sequence['eval_tasks.EvalTask'] = None, dev_combinator=None, restart_trainer: bool = False, reload_command: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, sample_train_sents: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, max_num_train_sents: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, max_src_len: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None, max_trg_len: Optional[numbers.Integral] = None) -> None: self.src_file = src_file self.trg_file = trg_file self.dev_tasks = dev_tasks self.dev_combinator = dev_combinator if lr_decay > 1.0 or lr_decay <= 0.0: raise RuntimeError("illegal lr_decay, must satisfy: 0.0 < lr_decay <= 1.0") self.lr_decay = lr_decay self.patience = patience self.initial_patience = initial_patience self.lr_decay_times = lr_decay_times self.restart_trainer = restart_trainer self.run_for_epochs = run_for_epochs self.early_stopping_reached = False # training state self.training_state = TrainingState() self.reload_command = reload_command self.model = model self.loss_calculator = loss_calculator self.sample_train_sents = sample_train_sents self.max_num_train_sents = max_num_train_sents self.max_src_len = max_src_len self.max_trg_len = max_trg_len self.batcher = batcher self.dev_loss_tracker = loss_trackers.DevLossTracker(self, dev_every, name) = name def _augment_data_initial(self): """ Called before loading corpus for the first time, if reload_command is given """ augment_command = self.reload_command logger.debug('initial augmentation') if self._augmentation_handle is None: # first run self._augmentation_handle = Popen(augment_command + " --epoch 0", shell=True) self._augmentation_handle.wait() def _augment_data_next_epoch(self): """ This is run in the background if reload_command is given to prepare data for the next epoch """ augment_command = self.reload_command if self._augmentation_handle is None: # first run self._augmentation_handle = Popen(augment_command + " --epoch %d" % self.training_state.epoch_num, shell=True) self._augmentation_handle.wait() self._augmentation_handle.poll() retcode = self._augmentation_handle.returncode if retcode is not None: if self.training_state.epoch_num > 0:'using reloaded data') # reload the data self.src_data, self.trg_data, self.src_batches, self.trg_batches = \ input_readers.read_parallel_corpus(src_reader=self.model.src_reader, trg_reader=self.model.trg_reader, src_file=self.src_file, trg_file=self.trg_file, batcher=self.batcher, sample_sents=self.sample_train_sents, max_num_sents=self.max_num_train_sents, max_src_len=self.max_src_len, max_trg_len=self.max_trg_len) self.model.src_reader.train = self.model.trg_reader.train = False # restart data generation self._augmentation_handle = Popen(augment_command + " --epoch %d" % self.training_state.epoch_num, shell=True) else:'new data set is not ready yet, using data from last epoch.')
[docs] def should_stop_training(self) -> bool: """ Signal stopping if self.early_stopping_reached is marked or we exhausted the number of requested epochs. """ return self.early_stopping_reached \ or self.run_for_epochs is not None and (self.training_state.epoch_num > self.run_for_epochs or (self.training_state.epoch_num == self.run_for_epochs and self.training_state.steps_into_epoch >= self.cur_num_minibatches()))
[docs] def cur_num_minibatches(self) -> numbers.Integral: """ Current number of minibatches (may change between epochs, e.g. for randomizing batchers or if reload_command is given) """ return len(self.src_batches)
[docs] def cur_num_sentences(self) -> numbers.Integral: """ Current number of parallel sentences (may change between epochs, e.g. if reload_command is given) """ return len(self.src_data)
def _advance_epoch(self): """ Shifts internal state to the next epoch, including data (re-)loading, batch re-packing and shuffling. """ if self.reload_command is not None: if self.training_state.epoch_num==0: self._augmentation_handle = None self._augment_data_initial() else: self._augment_data_next_epoch() if self.training_state.epoch_num==0 or self.sample_train_sents or \ self.model.src_reader.needs_reload() or self.model.trg_reader.needs_reload(): event_trigger.set_train(True) self.src_data, self.trg_data, self.src_batches, self.trg_batches = \ input_readers.read_parallel_corpus(src_reader=self.model.src_reader, trg_reader=self.model.trg_reader, src_file=self.src_file, trg_file=self.trg_file, batcher=self.batcher, sample_sents=self.sample_train_sents, max_num_sents=self.max_num_train_sents, max_src_len=self.max_src_len, max_trg_len=self.max_trg_len) self.model.src_reader.train = self.model.trg_reader.train = False self.training_state.epoch_seed = random.randint(1,2147483647) random.seed(self.training_state.epoch_seed) np.random.seed(self.training_state.epoch_seed) self.src_batches, self.trg_batches = \ self.batcher.pack(self.src_data, self.trg_data) self.training_state.epoch_num += 1 self.training_state.steps_into_epoch = 0 self.training_state.sents_into_epoch = 0 self.minibatch_order = list(range(0, self.cur_num_minibatches())) np.random.shuffle(self.minibatch_order) event_trigger.new_epoch(training_task=self, num_sents=self.cur_num_sentences())
[docs] def next_minibatch(self) -> Iterator: """ Infinitely loops over training minibatches and advances internal epoch state after every complete sweep over the corpus. Returns: Generator yielding (src_batch,trg_batch) tuples """ while True: self._advance_epoch() for batch_num in self.minibatch_order: src = self.src_batches[batch_num] trg = self.trg_batches[batch_num] self.training_state.steps_into_epoch += 1 self.training_state.sents_into_epoch += src.batch_size() self.training_state.sents_since_start += src.batch_size() yield src, trg
[docs] def training_step(self, src: batchers.Batch, trg: batchers.Batch): """ Perform forward pass for the next training step and handle training logic (switching epoch, reshuffling, ..) Args: src: src minibatch trg: trg minibatch Returns: Loss """ return self.loss_calculator.calc_loss(self.model, src, trg)
def checkpoint_needed(self): return self.dev_loss_tracker.should_report_dev()
[docs] def checkpoint(self, control_learning_schedule: bool = True): """ Performs a dev checkpoint Args: control_learning_schedule: If False, only evaluate dev data. If True, also perform model saving, LR decay etc. if needed. Returns: True if the model needs saving, False otherwise """ # Perform evaluation if self.dev_tasks and len(self.dev_tasks) > 0: dev_scores = [] with self.dev_loss_tracker.time_tracker:"> Checkpoint [{}]" if else "> Checkpoint") for dev_task in self.dev_tasks: dev_score = dev_task.eval() if type(dev_score) == list: dev_scores.extend(dev_score) else: dev_scores.append(dev_score) self.dev_loss_tracker.set_dev_score(dev_scores[0]) for dev_score in dev_scores[1:]: self.dev_loss_tracker.add_aux_score(dev_score) # Control the learning schedule if control_learning_schedule: # Check if this is the best is_best = False if self.dev_combinator is not None: x = [y.value() for y in dev_scores] aevala = Interpreter(symtable={'x': x}) my_score = aevala(self.dev_combinator)' combined dev scores according to {}: {}'.format(self.dev_combinator, my_score)) if self.training_state.best_dev_score is None or my_score > self.training_state.best_dev_score: self.training_state.best_dev_score = my_score is_best = True elif dev_scores[0].better_than(self.training_state.best_dev_score): self.training_state.best_dev_score = dev_scores[0] is_best = True # If this is the best, write the model out if is_best: self.training_state.cur_attempt = 0 needs_saving = True" best dev score, writing out model") else: needs_saving = False # otherwise: learning rate decay / early stopping self.training_state.cur_attempt += 1 if self.lr_decay < 1.0: should_decay = False if (self.initial_patience is None or self.training_state.num_times_lr_decayed>0) \ and self.training_state.cur_attempt >= self.patience: should_decay = True if self.initial_patience is not None and self.training_state.num_times_lr_decayed==0 \ and self.training_state.cur_attempt >= self.initial_patience: should_decay = True if should_decay: self.training_state.num_times_lr_decayed += 1 if self.training_state.num_times_lr_decayed > self.lr_decay_times:' Early stopping') self.early_stopping_reached = True else: self.training_state.cur_attempt = 0 self.trainer.learning_rate *= self.lr_decay' new learning rate: %s' % self.trainer.learning_rate) if self.restart_trainer:' restarting trainer and reverting learned weights to best checkpoint..') self.trainer.restart() param_collections.ParamManager.param_col.revert_to_best_model() else: # case of not controling learning schedule needs_saving = False else: # case of no dev tasks needs_saving = True return needs_saving
[docs]class TrainingState(object): """ This holds the state of the training loop. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.num_times_lr_decayed = 0 self.cur_attempt = 0 self.epoch_num = 0 self.steps_into_epoch = 0 self.sents_since_start = 0 self.sents_into_epoch = 0 self.best_dev_score = None # used to pack and shuffle minibatches (keeping track might help resuming crashed trainings in the future) self.epoch_seed = random.randint(1,2147483647)